"One cream, two sugar"

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Credz to Naoline22 on insta ^(ignore the fact that Levi is in it tho hahah, what is uncle Levi doing here? hahaha)

June 14th; 8:30

-Your pov-

You knocked on Eren and Armin's dorm door. A tired Armin responded. 

" Good morning Y/n." He said still sleepy.

" Morning! How are you?"

" Tired, the finals killed me." He brought his hands to his face and wiped his eyes. 

" Awww, poor you... Don't give up, summer vacations are right next door!" He smiled.

" Eren left already." 

" Yeah I figured, I haven't told him that I was coming." 

" By the way, how is it? Living with Hange?" 

" Since I drop out, they've been overloading me with contracts and secretary work, but I guess it's fine. We get along pretty well." You laughed. 

Once you came back, since you had dropped out, you couldn't live on campus. Petra moved with her boyfriend, so you and Hange became roommates. You had three jobs. Secretary, because Hange was letting you live with them for free, but you had some secretary job's to do to make it even. You were also a Barista at the college's cafe so you could save up some money for the future and the groceries. You found a bigger interest in modeling, Hange was so happy to help you with getting contracts. You still hung out with the squad, just a little less with your job and their finals.

" Well, my class starts in two hours and I still need a bit of sleep." Armin said yawning. 

" Good night then." You said with a smile.

You picked up you bag and went to the school's cafe. On your way, as you were walking, someone bumped into you. Some of their hot beverage spilled on your hoodie. You looked up and your eyes met a pair of green eyes.

" Again?!" You laughed before wiping the coffee off your hoodie. 

" Good morning to you too, dummy." Eren chuckled and handed you your coffee. 

" For me, how sweet! Wait aren't you my old roommate's super hot brother?" You said smirking. " I missed you babe." You kissed him. 

" When does your shift end?" He asked you before taking a sip of his coffee.

" At 17h. Why?" 

" Nicolo's inviting us for a party. He would like to get to know us better." 

" Alright! Can't wait!" He kissed you.

" I have to get going and I suppose you too, Mrs Barista." He said kissing your forehead.

" Alright bubs, I love you." 

" I love you more dummy." He kissed you before leaving. You headed towards the cafe.



You got out of the shower, a towel around you and you went to your room, your hair still dripping on the floor.

" I hope you're going to take care of that." Hange said pointing the floor and looking at you from the kitchen table.

" Mhm, don't worry!" You said before closing your door. You sat on your bed and went on your phone and texted Eren: I should be ready in 45 minutes, to which he answered: Perfect, I'll pick you up dummy. You smiled and got ready. You decided to wear that famous dress you wore during your first photoshoot and that Hange got you for Christmas. You did your hair and makeup listening to you and Eren's Spotify playlist. 

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