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- Let's jump back one year ago shall we?-

One day in august, Freshman year

You couldn't believe it. You were finally in front of your new "Home" after almost 5 hours of flight. You checked one last the room address written in your email. You sighed. ' This is the moment that will tell me if this year is going to be a long year or a good year.'

" Here goes nothing..." You knocked three times on the door and waited for an answer. After not even 3 second, a short haired girl opened the door.

" Hey! You must be y/n?" She asked you. You shyly nodded and looked behind her. The room was clean and half empty. " I'm Mikasa." She invited you in. " I believe I'm going to be your roommate for a while." She chuckled before sitting at what you supposed was her desk. 

In the room were two bunkbeds, with a desk and a dresser under each bed. Each desk was facing the wall, so you both had a little privacy while working. Mikasa had some training accessories on her side, even if the gym was only 5 minutes away. There was a small couch and a tv on the left, and a bathroom to your right. You had the side with the bathroom. On your new roommate's wall, there was a few pictures of what you assumed was her friends and... Boyfriend? 

" I believe you're not the really "talkative" kind?" She said as you were slowly unpacking your things. 

" Oh no..." You paused. "It's just that you're the first person I'm talking since my arrival at the airport. Anyway, sorry for not talking, I guess... I'm y/n." 

" What year are you in? I suppose you're a freshman?" You agreed and closed your dresser. " Well, I'm a sophomore, might be in one or two classes together." You smiled and sat at your new desk. 

" Let's get to know each other with question." You proposed with a smile. You were really happy to have one of those kind roommates.

" Ok, I'm going first. What are you studying in?" She asked you. 

" Art and Math. What about you?" You asked back.

" I'm actually here for the sport program." She said looking at her training things. She looked fit, in really good shape.

" What about your favorite music?" You continued.

- A few questions later-

" Who are those on your pictures?" You asked her as you got up. You walked towards her wall. 

" They are my friends. They go here actually, in the grade as I am. That's Connie, Sasha, Jean and that's Armin." You observed her wall a little longer. You eyes stopped on a boy, they were really good quality pictures almost perfect. The boy had long tied hair and pretty emerald eyes.

" He's cute." You said out loud, not thinking about something. "Oh shot, sorry. I didn't mean to hit on you boy-"

" He's my twin brother, Eren." (OK I know they don't look alike and all, but it's for the story so deal with it. Mikasa is a Jeager.) " He's a model. I know, he got the pretty and photogenic genes." You giggled. 

" Well... you got the muscles." You both chuckled and sat back at your desk. 

" He's actually in this dorm hall."

" Aren't boys and girl supposed to be separated? In different halls?" She nodded. 

" Indeed, but they had to make an exception for him and his roommate. Eren has really bad anxiety attacks, and to today, my mom and I are the only one able to calm him down. So, him and his roommate are our dorm neighbors." 

" Does he bring a lot of girl or guys to you know..." She took a sec to understand what you meant then laughed.

" Oh no, Eren might be good looking, he's also really... REALLY not interested in dating. He only dated one girl, but it didn't end up well. Since then, even if he had a lot of option, he'd rather stay single. He says he doesn't do love anymore." You felt a strange wave of sadness go down to your heart. " Oh, but he's not an asshole, heartless player... he couldn't do that. He tells someone right away that he's not interested, and befriend every girl that tries to approach him." You sighed and looked at the time. 

It was almost 21:00 and you were exhausted. You took a shower, got dressed in your comfy pyjama and got up in your bed. You said: " Good Night" to Mikasa and she responded with:" Good night, new roommate." 

You closed your eyes and thought of the new life ahead of you.


August 27th, 9:36

You walked out of the student cafe and, as you were walking towards your first class, someone bumped into you. Your hot beverage spilled all over your hoodie. You looked up and your eyes met a pair of green eyes.

" I'm so sorry." He said while wiping off the coffee from his arms. You observed him a little more and realized you had seen his face before.

" It's fine... You're Eren, right? Mikasa's brother?" You asked him. 

" I am! And you are?" Eren said smiling. ' Gosh. He's handsome, even a Monday morning.' 

" I'm Y/n, Mikasa's new roommate. Wha-" You squeaked as he grabbed your arm and dragged you back to the coffee shop.

" OH yes! Mikasa told me about you earlier this morning." He exclaimed with a smile. " Nice to meet you Y/n." You blushed. " Tell me, what do you usually put in your coffee?"

" One cream and 2 sugar, why?" He turned towards the barista.

" One latte and one coffee: one cream, two sugar." The barista nodded. "Thank you."

" What, why? That's not necessary." You laughed nervously. He pulled out his phone and wrote something on it.

" I have to make it up for spilling your coffee, why else dummy?" You smiled at the name he called you.

" No, it's fine really. It's just one coffee, it's not worth a lot an-"

" That's why to make it up, I promise, I'll buy you a coffee every time I buy myself one. So my apology is worth more than just a single coffee."

" No need, really I-" The barista gave you your coffee.

" I Insist." He cut you off, a smile in his face. He paid and turned around.

" Fine..."

" See you around dummy." He said before walking away to his class. You felt your cheek heating up. 

' This. Was. Like. In. A. MOVIE!'


Heyo!  Hope you are all doing well. 

see yall next chapter

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