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February 11th; 17:12

You couldn't help but feel nervous. You had finally landed. You looked around for the exit and remembered it was on your left. You walked out and went in the parking. You see two familiars faces waiting for you.

" JEAN! MIKASA!" You yelled at them so they could see you. Both of their faces lightened at your sight.

" Y/N!" You heard Mikasa scream back at you. You ran to them, your small and almost empty luggage following behind you. Arrived at the car, you hugged them both tight.

" We've missed you..." You heard Jean say.

" Awnnn, even you? WAIT A DAMN MINUTES!" You stared at them. " YOU GUYS NEED TO EXPLAIN." They both looked at each other blushing.

" We'll do, but in the car. We need to be quick if you want to pick up some clothes for your stay at Hange's." You nodded at Mikasa's remark and got in the back seat. Jean started his car and the few first minutes were silent. You cleared your throat, making it obvious that your are waiting for an answer.

" Oh yeah..." Jean started. " Well, everybody knew that I had a thing for Mikasa and-"

" I gave it a shot, and it ended up working! So now I'm happily dating Horseface here." Jean groaned at the nickname, but laughed.

" Well, I'm really happy you guys worked out. Jean, I won't tell you the you better not hurt her, and all that bla-bla, cause first, I trust you. You've been a great friend and I'm happy for Mikasa." You paused and laughed. " Second, cause I know that Mikasa can whoop your ass anytime, she's scary enough, you don't need another threat." You all laughed.

" But what about you? Eren?" Jean asked you. You shrugged.

" I don't know, I hope I can make it clearer after the surprise. He still haven't texted me... I wonder if he even care."

" Oh gurl... HE DOES!" Mikasa told you rolling her eyes. " He won't shut up about you. He hates to admit it, but he needs you. As much as you need him." She winked at you.

" We'll see... We'll see."


Arrived at the dorms, Mikasa went first. She texted you that Eren wasn't there, meaning you could go up and join her. Jean stayed in his car to check if he arrived earlier. You opened your room and the feeling of being at home took hold of you. You quickly picked up a few things and pt them in your luggage. Suddenly, Mikasa let out a "oh, no."

" What! He's already back?" You asked her in shook. She nodded and searched for a place for you to hide.

" Hide in the bathroom! I'll text you when you can get out. I think you'll have to drive to Hange's with Jean only." You nodded and hid in the bathroom. You were shaking.

Eren's pov

I got out of my car and noticed Jean sitting in his car, alone.

" Weird." I whispered to myself before getting in the building. I got in the elevator and waited till it was on our floor. I got out and walked to Mikasa's dorm. I knocked twice and waited.

" H-Hey Eren, you're home earlier!" She smiled. I was about to enter, put she stopped me. " Hey, uhm, I need you for my training today! Do you mind helping me?" Why was she acting like that?

" You're acting weird Mikasa. What's wrong?" She didn't answer. I sighed and agreed. " Sure, but I need to use the bathroom first." Her eyes widen and she blocked the door.

" NO! UHm.... Jean clogged the toilet." She gulped. " Someone should come take a look at it while we're gone." I shrugged and walked out of her dorm.

" Sure..." I was really suspicious of what was happening, but I let it go and followed her to my dorm. I changed into so more sportive clothes and when in the bathroom.

As we were entering the gym, Mikasa opened her phone and texted someone. I tried to take a look at who it was, but she blocked the view.

Your pov

You were still waiting in the bathroom when, after 40 minutes of waiting, you received the go from Mikasa.

You ran down to Jean's car and jumped in the back seats.

" Where's Mika?" He asked you before starting the car.

" I think she I heard her talk about going to the gym with Eren as an excuse to make him leave the dorm." He nodded and drove to Hange's. Arrived at their apartment, you took your luggage and got out of the car. You thanked Jean and watched him drive off.

" Y/n! You're finally here!" Hange greeted you with a hug. They let you in the small and modern apartment.

" Where's Petra?"

" At her boyfriend's for the week. NOW! Explain your plan."

" Wait, geez, give me time to settle down a bit." You laughed. Living with Hange was going to ask you a lot of energy, but you were ok with it.


You sat on the couch and faced Hange.

" Ok, so does Eren have a shoot on the 14th?" They looked in their calendar and shook their head.

" Only the 13th. Why?" They asked you.

" Cause this is what I planned..."

Hehe time skip to keep the surprise

" I love that plan!" They said optimistic. You smiled and got up.

" Yeah, but I really need your help for that one. You need to shut it too! I don't want the surprise to be ruined."

" I won't tell a soul." They paused. " I'm really happy you came back Y/n... Eren really needs you, and if what you said is true, and that he does love you, you should feel special. And by special, I Mean REAL-"

" Yeah yeah... I understand, don't worry. Now let's just hope that my theory is true and that I won't ruin everything."

" Don't worry... I'm sure he'll love it."


A/n: Can't wait to write the next part, but I'm kinda scared tbh... Let's see if it comes out good


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