I planned on bonding with them, getting to know them and be a supportive friend so they wouldn't have to go through what they went through originally. But if I was now born years before them...noooooooooooo.

Anime tears ran down my cheeks as Naimi hurriedly walked up the stairs, probably to not raise any suspicions.


You really do like to keep your eyes moving, eh?

Good Deduction Sherlock (Lvl. 1|20%) > (Lvl. 2|10%)

The progress of your observation skill. The higher your level of observation, the more information you are shown by looking at an object or person.


Very considerate of you, Afterlifer.

+1 INT

Maybe I really should have turned off the notification sounds. That shit scared the crap out of me. Hopefully there is an option to change that.

Naimi gave me worried side glance when I suddenly flinched but didn't mind much as we reached the upper floor of the building that I identified as the Hokage Tower. Wait, I didn't think about it much before, but why exactly is she taking me here?

The Hokage hadn't called, I would've noticed that, plus, why would she bring me with her? My eyes narrowed suspiciously as soon as we stepped into the building and pointedly made our way to a big door just a few minutes from the entrance.

An unsettling feeling pulled down my stomach. Why was I here? Why did she react so out of her mind when I only showed so little to blow my cover? Was I being watched by her? But why? Was it the Hokage? Well, obviously it was, but I didn't know how me being a bit more advanced than others would be out of the ordinary to such an extent. Or did I miss something?

Soon, a big, old, greenish door appeared along the hallway. Though the vibes it emitted instantly turned on a code red switch in my head. Back when I was in Afghanistan I had often seen such important-looking doors on infiltration missions. I hated them. So many innocent people died because of drug lords and bosses that spread false information and lead other people into traps. Mostly ones that involved putting innocent civilian families in his place and letting them get killed instead of their own cowardly hiding asses.

That was the time before I started being a sniper though, but that's a story for another time.

Right now, we halted in front of the door, Naimi knocking on the sturdy wood in a calm manner. I eyed her shortly. Normal people wouldn't notice, but I could see it clearly. Her back was straightened, her eyes scanning the area every few seconds. Her arms that held me close to her were as hard as stone. She definitely had her guard up. The only question was, why?

By now I was sure that she wasn't the person I had thought she was. One hundred percent. She was no ordinary civilian.


The deep voice resonated through the hallway we stood in. Even though that door seemed so broad and thick, you could still clearly hear the authority and...might in the person's voice. It gave me goosebumps.

We entered soon after and indeed, in the middle of the room-casting a dark shadow onto the wooden floor-sat a man clad in a white and red robe, the triangular hat laying next to him on the desk. The face I knew to be old and wrinkly, simply waiting for his life to leave him, was now much younger and sterner. I could still see his kindness though, but I could also see the guilt and desperation weighting him down. Under his eyes were slight bags, barely visible to the normal eye und his mouth was pulled down the slightest bit.

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