26 - Critical Conditions

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"Welcome back Mr Ivalore, how are you feeling?" Dr Collins asked me when I finally opened my eyes in the hospital. When I saw the wounds and scratches on my body, the scene started replaying in my head, realizing that Leo was fighting with me and not wearing a seatbelt, something terrible happened to him, it may not be worse than mine but, what about the baby.

"Where's Leo?" I instantly asked, getting restless on the hospital bed and trying to climb off.

"You mean Leonard Brook? He's in room 93 on the next floor"  Collins said as his facial expression changed to concern. "He's suffering way more than you-" Before he could say something else, I interrupted him by telling him, to take me to his room. FORCEFULLY. He got me a wheelchair and pushed me to down the hallway to the elevator.


"Are you two married or engaged?" Dr Collins asked, "I'm asking cause I saw the ring on Mr Brooks finger"

"Oh, that's more like a promise ring, but our relationship isn't what it was before, cause I had a few to drink and said a few things, regarding the baby now, I don't know how he'll see me when I wakes up" I shrugged, "He is out right"

"Mr Ivalore, I think we should discuss Mr Brook's health situations. When we found you on the scene, the police suspected that Leo went through the windscreen and the top of his head crashed into a tree trunk, causing him to have some brain trauma. He may have some difficulties to talk but with some practice, it will back to normal and his upper right femur was crushed and so we've replaced it with a iron rod. His physical therapy sessions for a year has already been scheduled" he informed me.

"And the b-baby?"

"You're baby's condition is stable but, if Leo goes into a coma now, there's no telling that it'll be fine, but there's a 50% chance that it's health will decrease. So, let's just hope it doesn't happen" he said, sounding positive. We've finally made it to his room and when we entered, my heart sank into the pit of my stomach when I saw his condition. Pipes and needles going in and out of him, scars and cuts over his face and body, and, like Dr Collins said, his legs was broken, hanging in a sling on the air.

"Are you okay Mr Ivalore?" asked Dr Collins when a sob escaped me.

"Yeah, take me a little bit closer" I told him and wiped my tears. "How long has he been unconscious?"

"Passed twelve hours, but only time will tell, in his case" he said as he pushed me closer to Leo's bed. I interlocked my fingers with Leo's and kissed it's back.

"I'll leave you two alone" Dr Collins and excused himself.

"God, I don't where or when I sinned, but tonight I'm asking you joy to let the love of my life die. Don't punish him for my sins. Tonight I need you to proof that you're God and save my boyfriend's life" I prayed, looking up at the ceiling. After that, I laid my head down on the edge of the bed and because of the loads of medication they pumped into me, I slowly dozed off.

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