Will Never the Light of Day See

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A/N: I felt bad about leaving you guys with a pitiful 2k chapter yesterday, especially when I missed a week for the update. So here's a 6k chapter to make up for it. :) Thank DreamoftheWild for giving me the motivation to finish this up so quickly with this beautiful piece of fanart! You rock!! :D

Alone in the Darkness, We Find a Light

Strings of Fate Unwind

New Faces Emerge, Unveiling the Questions

That Once We Left Behind

Secrets Kept Close, Guarded by Grief

Will Never the Light of Day See

Hyrule hit the ground hard. He let out a pained gasp as his still-healing injuries protested loudly . He laid there, dazed, as he tried to tell his lungs how to accept work again.

"Hyrule!" Sky was the first to recover, stumbling to Hyrule's side as quickly as he could. "You okay? You didn't reopen anything did you?"

He took a couple of deep breaths as he finally started to make sense of his environment again. "I think I'm good. Ow. " He shakily pushed himself to a sitting position, clutching his side as he did so. Sky supported him at his back, brows furrowed in concern. He shot him a grateful smile.

"That would be the Switch Time was talking about earlier." Legend shook his head, sending Hyrule a concerned look. "You good, Rule?"

"Maybe." Hyrule lifted his shirt to make sure his bandages were still clean. "Looks like nothing reopened, so that's something."

Legend nodded, satisfied with the honest answer, before turning towards Warriors. "Hey, idiot, you okay?"

"Who're you calling an idiot?" Warriors huffed.

"You good, Sky?" Hyrule asked as Sky helped him to his feet.

"I think you're the one we should worry about. You're still hurt, after all." Sky sent him a smile before taking a glance around. "Any idea where we are?"

Hyrule glanced around too, only to gasp in awe. The entire area was filled with green and life. The magic of this land was potent and Hyrule wondered why he hadn't felt it before. It hit him like a wave of the sea, and he stumbled a bit at its sheer power.

"You okay?" Sky asked, steadying him.

"The magic here is so strong ." He shook himself as he started to adjust to the magic levels of this world. "This land is either ancient or very new."

"Well I doubt it's new, because that would be my era. And my surface world doesn't look anything like this." Sky mused.

"Older land, then. It's so alive and the magic is..." He shook his head as he tried to find the right word. "It's so raw . Like a wild creature, untamed and unrestrained."

"We should probably check in with the others." Warriors said. "Time's gonna be worried."

"Right." Hyrule pulled out the crystal and pushed some magic into it. "Guys? Can you hear us?"

"Hyrule, is that you?" Four's voice sounded. "You guys okay?"

"Yeah. No idea where we are, but we're good. And you?"

A Flickering LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora