Secrets Kept Close, Guarded by Grief

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A/N: So looking back, the last two sections of the previous chapter should've fed into the beginning of this one (starting with the nightmare). I may move things around at a later date, but in the meantime, I do apologize for this short 2k chapter. I'll try to get the next one out later this week as an apology for the brevity of this one.

Alone in the Darkness, We Find a Light

Strings of Fate Unwind

New Faces Emerge, Unveiling the Questions

That Once We Left Behind

Secrets Kept Close, Guarded by Grief

Hyrule opened his eyes the next morning to a mild headache. Well, he supposed that much was to be expected what with the blood loss from his injuries the other day. Not to mention the fact that he was a dumbass and stayed up half the night with Legend.

His mentor. What an odd thought that was. Suddenly, Hyrule really hoped they didn't hit his lands for a long while—he really didn't want the others to see what had become of the kingdom they loved and cherished.

The more of their worlds he saw, the more he realized how bad off his was. He felt ashamed. They called him a hero, but he certainly didn't feel like one. He didn't act like one, either.

"Morning." He greeted Time.

"Morning, Hyrule. How're you feeling?"

"Bit of a headache, but that seems to be it." He shrugged, rolling his shoulder a bit to test the new scar tissue.

"Careful. You don't want that reopening." Time chastised. "Since we don't want to risk anything, we'll have you ride Epona while we travel."

Hyrule blinked. He grew up on a farm, so he was no stranger to horses. But he hadn't expected Time to baby or worry over him like this. Was it because he'd been accepted by Fi? No, it was just him being nice. Hyrule was their healer, after all. Healers were arguably the most important person in the party because so long as the healer was okay, the survival rate of everyone else typically stayed in a favorable range. If the healer was taken out, everything went to hell.

"If that's what you think is best." Hyrule nodded.

He sat down beside the Hero of Time with a small sigh. Hyrule idly fiddled with the small braid that'd come undone in the battle. For the last few weeks, Navi's braid had held, and seeing it come undone in the aftermath of that fight was chipping away at his heart. He was trying to get it back into shape, but despite Navi's best efforts, he just couldn't get braiding hair down.

Time laughed quietly. "Here, let me." He reached over and started braiding with deft fingers. "An old friend taught me how to do this, and I do it for my wife often."

"You're married ?" Hyrule blinked.

"Oh, yes. Happily so." Time smirked. "But don't tell the others just yet. I'm waiting to see how long it takes them to notice the ring."

Hyrule snickered and nodded as Time tied off the braid. It was just how Navi would do it, and he felt himself sigh in relief. It was a silly thing to panic over, but that braid was special to him. It was all he had left of Navi. "My missing friend would braid my hair like this all the time. She often took to hitching a ride in my hair." He chuckled quietly. "She'd cook and practically mother me. I'm sure she and mom would get along well."

A Flickering LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora