☆A D V E N T U R E S☆

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Kageyama stood in front of the gate, which held Oikawa's and Iwaizumi's mansion behind.
He kept on whipping back and forth with his feet, to ease the nervousness he was currently feeling. It was now Saturday, three days have passed since he confessed his feelings.

Thursday, when the three of them came clear, the day was just spent with some cuddling on the couch. His bosses canceled the shoot he was supposed to have that day, which he was really thankful for.
After he got home on Thursday evening, he made sure to check up on his friends. He hadn't talked to them since the party.
In the group video call, he made sure to inform them about the new updates his life had, and he felt warmth engulfing in his chest, as they reacted so happy for him.

Now the three of them were about to go on their very first date as a couple. Kageyama was nervous, because this was the first date he had ever had in his whole life, and also his first relationship.
He didn't know how to respond when they first asked him, since he didn't know what a date really looked like, but they told him to leave it all to them. He was only supposed to dress comfortably.

This time it would be them doing him a favor, but he promised himself, that he was going to prepare the next surprise.

The gate opened with a noise, and he snapped out of his thoughts. This was going to be his first date! Heck, he was so excited. Wait, but what if they didn't really like his personality? They hadn't seen him when he had breakdowns every year at the death anniversary of his family. What if they found it annoying?
What if they didn't like how he was really minimalistic, and loved how every thing had an assigned place?

Kageyama didn't really have time to think more about 'what if's' because he was soon greeted with the sight of their yellow Lamborghini. He jumped a bit, as he hadn't expected the loud noise of the car, but he relaxed, as he saw the two of them in the car. The window on the drivers side wind down, and he saw Oikawas head pop out.

"Yahoo!~Tobio-chan!" He had his signature peace sign up, as Tobio smiled, and approached the backseat.
He opened the door, and slid on the backseat with a smile on his face.
Whatever doubts he had the second before were disappeared as soon as he saw the two of them.
They weren't the type of people to judge you.

"Hi Oikawa-san, Iwaizumi-san." he greeted the two of them.

"Hunny, please. At least let away that honorific, if you are uncomfortable with our first names." Oikawa looked at him through the mirror, and Kageyama blushed.
They had told him a thousand times to call them bei their first names, but Kageyama just couldn't bring himself to do it. It just seemed... wrong.
Maybe he'd be able to after some time? Things were still fresh, he didn't want to rush them.

"Kusokawa let the kid be." Iwaizumi gave him a headsmack. "Anyways, Tobio. How have you been? Are you alright?"

They had literally been apart for one day. In the meantime Kageyama surely hadn't robbed a bank or gotten beat to a pulp by gangsters. At least that's what he thought. But he said: "Yeah I have. What about you guys?"
Kageyama couldn't help but be so formal around them. But they didn't blame him. They knew he needed time to warm up with them.

"Everything Roger. But we missed chu!" Oikawa tried to look cute, to which Kageyama giggled. He found himself more relaxed around them. He didn't wear his usual blank expression, but instead his cheekbones hurt from being constantly raised up.

"So.... where are we going today?" Kageyama was really excited but also nervous.

"Don't worry about it, blueberry. Just relax and you'll see." Kageyama blushed at Iwaizumi's nickname for him.
It was in moments like this where he wanted to talk to his friends the most, but he'll just have to do it later. He is sure Suna is waiting for a whole report.

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