☆R A N T S☆

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⚠️TW: UNDERAGE DRINKING (is that a trigger?? Ion know, but anyways, enjoy)⚠️

The fresh evening air was hitting Kageyamas face and slightly blowing his hair out of his face.
It was pleasant.
Him and Atsumu were on their way to this bar. It was Atsumus favorite, he said. The owner was a good friend of his father, and they always got discounts.
And it was in a good place. Around the bar you could find grocery stores, and even night clubs were in reach of the bar.
If Atsumu could, he would move there.
But the neighborhood was expensive. And he wasn't rich. So that didn't work.

Kageyama only listened with one ear.
He wanted to listen to what his friend said, he really did, but there were two certain people who didn't vanish from his mind.
He was slightly irritated now. Thinking about them constantly was bugging him now.
But he couldn't change it.
He couldn't change the fact that he fell for them. Once he had realized it, he couldn't let go of the thought anymore.
Before, he had just shrugged it off, making up lame excuses.

"...right? I mean, ya didn't come just to watch us drink, did ya?" Tsumu asked.

"Hm?" Kageyama answered. He hadn't listened to what Atsumu said before.

Atsumu sighed, and face palmed. "Yer. Gonna. Drink. Today. Ain't. Ya?" He emphasized, noticing that Kageyama had been a bit off, since he first saw him that evening.

"Hm. Sure." Kageyama replied, not really listening again. His vision just didn't seem to be focused.

Atsumu then stopped, waiting for Kageyama to notice him not standing next to him anymore, but no such luck.
Kageyama kept on going, not realizing, that he should have taken a turn to the left before.

"Fuck! Kageyamaaaa!" Atsumu ran, since the space between them just seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.
Kageyama then stood still suddenly, causing Miya to bump into his back.

Tsumu opened his mouth, tempted to say something, or speak up about his weird behavior, but he let it go.
He would find out what was wrong eventually. Even if he had to make sure of that by himself.
He took Kageyama's arm, dragging him into the right direction.
They had almost arrived, and surely Samu and Suna would be waiting already. They were a tad bit late.

When they finally arrived at the bar, Kageyama took in his surroundings.
The bar was called Nakamura's. He guessed that that was the name of the owner. The sign was held in earthy tones.
There was a bit of orange, brown and a very dark and somewhat dirty yellow.
He found it appealing.

When he looked to his right, he saw some familiar grocery store brands.
On his left, down the street he figured there was a nightclub. There was a naked woman on a pole, and the display was lightning til where he was. It was a LED sign.
The name of the nightclub was 'feel the beat.' He found it a bit stereotypical, but oh well.

Atsumu entered the bar, and Tobio followed him shortly after.
As he got in, he immediately took in the warmth of the place. It reeked of alcohol, but it was cozy.
There were some bar stools around the counter, and more tables in the back. There were even some couches instead of chairs.
The light was a bit dim, just how you'd expect it from a bar.
He looked around for Osamu and Suna, and finally found them. Suna was sitting on a chair next to the window, occupied with his phone, while Samu was chatting with the person behind the counter.

He decided to keep Suna company, as he saw that Atsumu sprinted towards the counter, a big grin on his face.

"Hi." He sat across from Suna.
The other male looked up shortly, before returning his gaze towards his phone again.
"Hi." He answered.
That was it. Both sat there in silence, but they didn't bother to change it.
Suna was apparently really fond of whatever he saw on his phone, and Kageyama... yeah we know what he was thinking about.

THIS ANGLE! (an IwaOiKage fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now