trouble in paradise

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me and Emily were both in the car, she was driving as i stared out the window, my knees facing the door showing no signs of me wanting to talk or communicate with her.

"look i know you don't want me here and i get why but-" Emily started, her hands on the wheel, not taking her eyes off the road.

"if your going to say your here to help me dont bother," i said as well as not taking my eyes from the window, i didnt even move as i replied. she glanced at me for a split second before turning back to the road.

she sighed quietly as she turned into my street. she stopped outside my house and as the car was stopping i unbuckled my seatbelt and put my hand on the handle, resting it on there, waiting for the car to stop.

i opened the door and got out, just as i was about to slam the door shut, she leaned over the arm rest in the middle of both chairs and looked up at me.

"be quick Y/L/N," she was smiling as the words left her mouth, i looked at her again, dead in the eyes and smiled sarcastically.

"fuck off!" i said still smiling, i slammed the door shut and walked into my apartment building.


it had been 20 minutes since i walked out of the car and into my apartment to get what i needed, after packing i took a seat at the end of my bed, i put my head in my hands, sighing as i did so.

i heard a knock at the door 5 minutes later, i lifted my head, and just stared towards the door. minutes later i got up, and paced towards the door. I placed my hand on the handle and left it there for a while until i pushed down on it, opening it, only to see Agent Prentiss on the other side.

"what?" i said sternly, i lifted my eyebrows up and lent against the door, crossing my arms. she always seemed to make direct eye contact with me, never breaking it. i wasn't going to be the one who looked away, it was a fight for dominance, and i wanted to win.

"are you done?" she said tilting her head.

"yes. hold on." i replied immediately, turning slightly to grab my bag which i had placed by the door. she stood back as i stepped forward, wanting to leave my apartment. she began walking down the stairs as i locked the door.


we arrived at the jet, ready to set off. Prentiss walked on first whereas i waited a few moments at the bottom of the stairs, taking a few breathes before walking up.

She was sat, legs crossed already looking at the case file. I glanced at her before taking a seat away from her.

"why do you hate me so much Y/L/N?" she asked out of the blue. i looked back at her confused at the question due to the randomness of it.

"i-i um i don't, i have no idea what you are talking about Prentiss," i replied, i didn't know what i felt towards Emily, did i hate her or did i have some sort of liking towards her that i seemed to be pushing back.

"stop fucking with me Y/L/N!" she said sitting up however keeping strict eye contact with me throughout the whole conversation.

"i'm not 'fucking with you' Emily, i'm clearly stating facts," i wanted to make my feelings towards her very clear, however the contents of those feelings were somewhat unknown.

"you know i'm just trying to help, why cant you see that?" she started yelling, she was definitely annoyed to the point it made her raise her voice.

"Why cant you see that i don't need help, i've have been doing fine without you here for 7 years, just because you are now here doesn't mean you need to try and save the day without probable cause, i have worked so hard to get where i am and i do not get things handed to me because my mommy is the ambassador, i work for my place at the BAU and i am not going to let you ruin that for me," i was close to shouting but my voice only allowed me to yell, i had watery eyes and was practically off of my seat.

Emily's face had slowly dropped as i kept talking, her eyes were watery as well and her whole body was facing me. "i do not get things handed to me Y/L/N, i worked just as much as you to get to my position, my mother gave me nothing, she never has, so as you got your loving family and your perfect life with support, i was alone, i had no one and worked my ass off for everything i have, so don't you dare tell me you hate me because you believe i had it easy." Emily was yelling so loudly at this point, you could hear the pain in her voice as she spoke. the tears were streaming down her eyes, this clearly hit a spot for her as it did for me.

"In all honesty Emily, i don't care if you were given your position or not, either way it doesn't give you the right to decide whether or not you think i can handle this case!" i screamed back on the jet, she opened her mouth to say something but i cut her off

"And don't give me any of the 'Hotch wanted me to come along' bullshit, this was your call and you know it, Hotch is the one person who supports me in whatever i do, he is the only god-damn father figure i have and he treats me like a decent human being, he trusts me as i do him, so don't blame him and don't for the love of God try and convince him that i cannot handle myself. because i can!" I was also screaming at this point.

Hotch and i had known each other for a long time and he knew how much of a struggle i had with my home life, he has been the only one there for me through it all. the team didn't know about this or the closeness of me and Hotch, we were all close to Hotch in different ways but if i was upset the first person i would turn to is Aaron.

Emily took a deep breathe after processing what i had just screamed at her. she looked at me, tear stains on her cheeks, a red face and regret in her eyes. i rubbed my tongue on the front of my top teeth as i looked at her, i threw the case file that was in my hand onto the table that was in front of me and began to walk to the bathroom on the jet.

we had not taken off yet and had actually arrived early to the jet which was lucky because no one then had to hear me and Agent Prentiss arguing.

i walk past her as she was on the way to the bathroom, i am suddenly stopped, she had her hand on my wrist and pulled me to turn around, i also had tear stains on my cheeks and they were reflecting in the light as were her's.

Me and Emily were rather close now, she still had her hand on my wrist and doesn't seem to be letting go . i looked down at my hand with hers wrapped around it, i then looked up at her again and seconds later she also looked up to face me.

she tilted her head, keeping eye contact. i lifted my free hand and wiped the tears off her face, caressing her cheek. This made her go red which was confusing, why was she going red? i pretended not to notice, she looked away as she obviously realised herself.

i moved closer to her face, edging towards her ear, i stop when my mouth is right by it.

"do not mess this up for me Prentiss or so help me god i will ruin this job for you and believe me, i have the power to do that!" I whispered seductively yet with extremely aggression, i moved away from her ear and yanked my wrist out of her reach and continued to walk to the bathroom, smirking and caught off guard.

AUTHORS NOTES: i really like publishing every night for some reason it gives me bursts of energy. I hope you like this one because i do not, this was really just a filler as i still need to figure out what is going on in the story. the first part is probably extremely boring but again it is a filler. please comment if you want more sass or some spicy flirting with the two of them because im sure i can sort that out :) love you all

SHOTS FIRED!                             Emily Prentiss X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now