a good distraction

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"Rossi and Morgan you go to the m.e see what details they might have missed or anything that could tell us about where the unsub kept them, Y/L/N, you and Prentiss go to the crime scene, anything looks out of place let us know and JJ you and Reid come to the local precinct with me and work on the geographical profile, we need to catch this unsub asap, they don't have a type so everyone is in danger." Hotch says sitting on the jet as we are in the air on our way to Florida.

i rolled my eyes as soon as Hotch said that me and Emily are paired up, Emily will just distract me and this case is brutal and needs the whole teams full attention. I look up from the case file in which i had my head buried in, i then had my full attention on Emily, which i didn't want yet couldn't look away.

Agent Prentiss was sitting across from me, smirking as usual, her cheeks were slightly red and her eyes...directly on me. I don't know whether i like her looking at me with such desire or not, another thing that keeps my thoughts occupied.

i kept eye contact with Prentiss, smirking, her face was ethereal, her dark shiny hair just beneath her shoulders, curled and perfect. her dark brown eyes full of lust, still looking into at me, like she wants more.

Rossi started looking between the two of us, his confused expression was what snapped me out of the trance Emily Prentiss had once put me in. I shrugged my shoulders at him, confused at what he was thinking.

All of the sudden i feel something slide up my leg, i look up and re-adjusted my position only to catch the eye of her, again. Emily had her head slightly facing down, smirking as she looked back to the case file.

I could feel her foot going up and down my leg. it was calming, soothing almost but it was Emily and i still held a grudge, i moved my leg away from the middle of the table and stood up, i walked over to the coffee machine at the back end of the jet, i poured my coffee as i felt a gaze on me, but it wasn't Emily's, she had her back to me due to her seat facing the front, how unfortunate.

Reid slowly walked over to me, the stare getting closer and closer. "You know, Emily looked pretty annoyed you got up just then, her smile turned into an emotionless face." He whispered once he got closer to me.

"you want one?" i asked him lifting up the coffee jug. i didn't show much expression on my face because Emily didn't effect me, i didn't want her too so i tried to push away any feelings i had towards her, good or bad.

Reid shook his head so i placed the jug back in the machine and walked past him, hoping that he didn't notice me begin to feel uncomfortable after the mention of Emily's name.

i sat opposite the table that Rossi, Hotch, Prentiss and now JJ were sitting at as i had my coffee in my hands, hoping they would warm up whilst the jet got closer to my most hated state. Florida.


*you and Emily are now at the crime scene*

"What the hell was that?" i practically yelled to Emily after getting out the black SUV and slamming the door. I was annoyed at the fact Emily thought she could control me when she started playing footsies 2 hours ago on the jet.

"What are you talking about," she replied, she was pulling her gloves to her wrists as she walked towards where the body was found, it had been moved by the time we got there but all the evidence was left exactly as the local police found it.

"Oh you know exactly what i'm talking about Prentiss!" I lowered my voice this time and began to talk sarcastically, i didn't want Emily to know she had control over me in any way but at the moment she seems to have control over my every move.

"Uh well, you seemed tense, i thought i would try and help calm the nerves, you know?" Emily answered after a while. We were both crouched down by where the body was found.

"There's very little blood, the unsub obviously has a quiet and remote place he is keeping his victims, he dismantles them there and them dumps them in an alley." i went off conversation because i promised myself Emily would not distract me from my job.

The crime scene was surprisingly clean for an alleyway, there was obvious dirt but considering a body was left here it was spotless, no excess blood other than from underneath the victim, it was now spread out on the floor, pressed into the gravel where the body had been placed above it. There was no rubbish anywhere, like it had been cleaned up.

"look i'm sorry for the leg thing, you seemed stressed and lost in thought and i didn't want to ask you in front of the team because it could be something that you wanted kept from them, i know if there was something up you wouldn't tell me considering you hate me but-" Emily rambled on but i cut her off.

"i don't hate you idiot," i said standing up and continuing to look around, "i don't particularly like but, i don't hate you." i don't hate Emily, i don't know what i feel towards Emily but i don't exactly hate her.

"i know we got off on the wrong foot but i don't want that to effect the cases we work on together, i know you don't hate me, i know you don't know what you feel towards me but please, don't push me out completely, we both don't want that." she winked after getting back up and circling the crime scene, she took her gloves off and we clearly didn't need to pick anything up from the scene. god i hate profilers!

"we both don't want that huh? so you like me?" i said sarcastically, we were still focused on trying it find evidence but still managed to exchange the flirtatious looks from now and then.

"Hey, hey, hey now, don't boost your ego too much, i just said i didn't want you to hate me lets not get ahead of ourselves now." She replied to me sarcastically, returning the wit i had given in my last response.

AUTHORS NOTES: ok hi again 1. sorry i forgot to put a chapter title on the last chapter but i have added one so sorry if you saw it pre-name. 2. its currently 1.20 am and i promised i would write 4 more chapters so if they begin to get confusing i'm sorry, i will pre-rad them a few times but if they still are i'm sorry. please let me know what you think and any ideas you may have..im currently liking the little flirting parts between Y/N and Emily so i will keep going with that but they aren't going to jump into any relationship or anything because those stories make me cringe a little and don't intend to make it a fast moving relationship because Emily is quite a closed off person so Y/N needs to crack her shell before anything happens ;) anyways thank you for reading and enjoy.

SHOTS FIRED!                             Emily Prentiss X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ