theres another-

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Emilys POV:

*for context Y/N had just gotten abducted*

"Do you know where the van is, i need all eyes on the white van!" i said stressed out, i was pacing the van that me and some of the team were hiding out in. Y/N had just gotten thrown in a van and the team had no idea where she was! "you are supposed to be tracking her agents!" i said, my tone of voice was not pleasant.

i started biting my fingernails which only happened in a time of complete and utter panic and stress. i was extremely anxious, she was obviously hurt, she got hit from behind on the head.

"Hey we got something," some tech analysis yelled from their computer, i stormed straight over to them and looked over their shoulder.

"if you look here, she knows she's going to get taken, so what is she doing with her hands? she's moving it around crazily." they said pointing to Y/N's hand on the screen.

Y/N seemed to be doing something with her hands but what? my only possible guess was sign language, she wouldn't of just started waving her hand around the camera for nothing, especially in that time, she was about to get abducted.

i called Reid, he was the only person i knew who would know how to sign, or would be able to learn quickly. we had to find her, i told her to be safe, i told her I would not let anything happen to her and she's already hurt.

i promised her, i promised her i would make sure she doesn't get hurt and is safe and i've already broken that promise. anything could be happening to her right now and i cant stop it. i cant stop and pain he may be putting her through, i cant stop her overthinking the situation and the nerves and stress that follows that. i cant stop any of it and it is killing me.

i don't know why i care so much, she has some hold over me, i have never felt this protected yet so safe when with someone. She was- well she was everything and i will do anything to bring her back safe. i don't know how much danger she is in but i know she's not going to be having fun.

i knew this wasn't going to be a good idea her going undercover, especially with the unsub who does this type of things, to women that look like her. And when she didn't promise me she would be careful, that was just 100 red flags and 100 reasons she should not have gone through with the case.

Reid finally arrived outside the club and then came into the van we had originally been hiding out in, now there were 3 police cars as well as 2 SUVs surrounding the club. Reid had just walked into the van where me and two others were, i was once again pacing, one hand up to my mouth which was still biting my nails.

"so what did you need?" he asked me as i turned

"you know sign language right?" i asked quickly, walking over to him.

"i know some yes, is there some sign from one of the victims?" he asked, i hadn't told him that Y/N had been abducted, i didn't exactly want to tell him, they were very good friends so he would become extremely worried however desperate times call for desperate measures.

"yes, well sort of, Y/N, she signed something to the camera behind her and we need to know what she said, it could be a way to find her or something about the case." i spoke so fast but luckily for me spencer caught up with me and understood what was going on. once he heard that Y/N was kidnapped his face dropped and he began to look stressed, he combed his fingers through his long hair which is what he does when he's anxious.

"show me." he said without hesitation, he was so focused without second guessing i showed him the surveillance of the camera. it showed the unsub walking out of the back exit, them going over to the van, him opening the door, her then signing something behind her back and then eventually her being hit over the head and him driving off.

"she seemed to have been cut off but what she started saying was-" he looked around after saying that and grabbed a pen and a piece of loose paper and began writing. 'there's another-' were the words that were now stained on the page.

"there's another?" i looked up shocked after reading what he had written. "there's another what, unsub? woman?" i questioned aggravated, why couldn't Y/N just tell us where he was taking her and not worry about other people for once in her god damn life. this is why i did not want her going undercover, she has no respect for herself, she will do whatever she can to help other people but doesn't even think about herself.

"by the profile we have on the unsub i'm assuming she was going for woman because this man cant have a partner, he's too self-involved, a partner would not work." Reid rambled like usual, the good thing about Reid is that when he rambled it was useful information.

"so another woman, right. he's now got two hostages one of which is an FBI agent, we need to do everything in our will power to find them. ALIVE" i spoke out to the whole team. everyone outside the van heard me as well, which was good, we had to find Y/N alive, the other woman as well. if we don't i have no idea what i will do with myself.

i don't know my relationship with Y/N at one moment we are flirting, one moment we are arguing, another moment its awkward and then the other we care way too much for each other. i just need her to be safe, i need her to keep herself safe until we come and find her because otherwise she's not going to make it out alive, and if her mouth gets her killed i swear to god i will bring her back just to kill her again.

everyone started going their separate ways, trying to find out more about where the unsub was holding two women hostage. i turned back to the screens hoping they had something on her whereabouts.

"Hey.. hey i've got something, i've found cameras on the van after it left the club!" a man at his desk shouted trying to get someone's attention. i walked over, biting my nails again, i leaned down as i followed their finger which was showing me where the van was going.

"send the address to my GPS and to the other cop cars as well." i said to the man as i had already started walking to my SUV. "come on agents we've got something!" i shouted, opening my car door. i was not going to let this son of a bitch get away with this, and im not going to let him hurt her.

AUTHORS NOTES: this is another one i wrote last night im just trying to spread out the chapters. i really like this chapter and i thought we should know how emily was feeling about all of this so heres this. the next chapter will be back to Y/N'S POV. thank you again for the people commenting, i love you all xoxo


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