Chapter 6: In Safe Hands

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Damon hadn't said anything. Usually, he'd throw in a joke or two but his eyes remained on the road. Stefan broke the silence, "Elena wouldn't take her necklace off," Stefan glanced at Damon from the passenger's seat. "If Katherine tried yanking it off herself, it would burn her." He continued before Damon interrupted him.

"Katherine drinks vervain every day. What makes you think a little sting would burn her?" The brothers glanced at each other in disagreement. "Look, it doesn't even matter. We just need to get to her."

The Woods (unspecified location)

Elena had still been in the chamber, restrained. She was unable to keep track of time as she knew her demise was near. Her thoughts were all over the place but the only thing she could keep above water was Katherine. The regret of trusting her and the regret of betraying her close friends. Elena had stopped crying after a while as she realized that there was nothing more to get out.

"I am just so impressed by Katerina's efforts this time around," Klaus said. He and Elijah were upstairs, waiting for Greta to come. Looking at his watch, Elijah read the time. "It'll be dawn soon. Greta will be here shortly. Get the girl."

"Making me do your dirty work?" Klaus snapped. Elijah raised his head and retorted, "You are the one that wanted this, Niklaus. All I wish is our family reunited." Klaus pranced past Elijah and went down to the chamber.

Elena heard the steps and her heart dropped. She wondered how quickly the time had gone by. Klaus came up to her, "I didn't get to see you up close. You do look like her, identical"

She stayed silent and refused to make eye contact. "It seems the Salvatores cannot rescue you after all."

Suddenly a look of puzzlement crossed Klaus' face as if he had heard something. "Is that them?" Elena asked, without thought. Klaus smirked, "My point still stands." He left Elena there as she still struggled in her chains.

"Niklaus, we have some guests." As Klaus peered up from the basement hole, Elijah let his hand out and gestured at the two men. "Where is Elena?" Damon challenged. Stefan had also been next to him, he put his hand on Damon's shoulder calming him down.

"So arrogant and foolish," Klaus drew nearer to Damon. "How do you keep your emotions on when you're in love with your brother's girl?"

Damon had lost it now. Using his speed, he gripped Klaus' neck and pushed him into a near wall. "DAMON, DON'T," Stefan yelled. Damon slumped against the wall then fell onto the floor.

Stefan's mouth hung open as he saw Klaus holding his brother's heart in his hand. "No one dares me," Klaus warned. Stefan didn't say a word, he pondered in shock. Elijah made the next move by snapping his neck.

Klaus tossed the heart onto the floor and shook his hand. "You did not have to kill him." Elijah fumed.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Greta's arrived." Klaus stepped over Damon's dead body and strutted outside. Elijah picked Stefan up and carried him into the chamber, where Elena was.

Greta, Klaus, and an unknown vampire waited in the woods for Elijah to return. As Elijah was holding Elena, keeping her mouth shut with his hand, and dragging her to the site. He pushed off Elena and Klaus took her. As Greta started to recite the spell, Klaus bit into Elena's neck, drawing blood.

When Klaus was able to receive the amount of doppelgänger blood in his system necessary, he let Elena go. Her knees lost coordination as she dropped to the ground. The other vampire who was required also ended up dying shortly after.

After the spell was finished, "Will we be a family again, Niklaus?" Elijah waited for Klaus to respond. Klaus grinned, "I'll meet you back in there, brother."

Elijah turned his back but immediately regretted it as he felt the sharp metal pierce into him. "Perhaps, another time." Klaus released Elijah and scanned for Greta. "Smart girl, to run"

Stefan was in the chambers and couldn't move much due to the chains being previously submerged into vervain. "She is dead," Klaus said, standing above Stefan. "Turn it off."

The Woods (unspecified location)

Elena opened up and she jumped from her sleeping position. She sat up and looked around her surroundings quickly. She pressed a hand to the left side of her neck, then the other side. Trying to feel a wound, she only felt dried blood. "Am I?" she questioned to herself, aloud.

"Dead?" A female voice came out from behind her.

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