"Your home is lovely," Cavidan says, as if this is some normal, friendly visit. "I still can't believe my son lives here. I appreciate you and your husband being so welcoming to him."

"Of course," Emine nods. "Anything for my daughter's comfort and happiness. Especially now in her delicate condition. She needs love and care at this time."

"You are so right," Cavidan agrees. "And I'm so sorry you had to witness that bit of ugliness at the party the other day."

"A bit of ugliness? You were trying to drag my pregnant daughter out of her own home," she reminds her.

"A misunderstanding, I assure you," Cavidan interrupts. "I was trying to protect you and the integrity of your group and the wonderful work you do. I know that Reyhan is new to this world and inexperienced. I was trying to protect her as well. I didn't want either of you being embarrassed. But I didn't realize she had such a personal connection with you. A daughter. That's ... surprising."

"Reyhan means the world to Murat and me," Emine explains, setting her straight. "She is our daughter in every sense but blood."

"And how did that happen?" Cavidan is curious. "How could someone like her cross paths with someone like you? She hasn't even been in Istanbul for the past couple of months."

Emine takes several deep breaths. She's running out of patience with Cavidan. After the way she acted at the party, it's taking everything within Emine to not just toss the woman out again. But this is Emir's mother. Emine loves Emir. So for his sake, she's giving his woman the time she doesn't deserve. But she doesn't need to continue to listen to this nonsense. Whether Cavidan realizes it or not - and Emine is pretty sure she realizes - she's insulting Reyhan more and more with every word she says. Emine holds her hand up to stop Cavidan from speaking further, from insulting Reyhan further.

"Listen, Cavidan hanım ... you and Reyhan clearly have issues. But my daughter is not the defenseless girl you used to know. If you want to go up against her, then know that you'll be going up against this whole family. And I don't think you want to do that."

Cavidan visibly pales at that warning. Good. The woman needs to be afraid.

"Ahh, here they are now," Emine announces when Emir and Reyhan walk in. She had sent the maid to warn them of Cavidan's visit.

"Mother," Emir snaps out a greeting. "What are you doing here?"

Reyhan tugs at his hand and scowls at him, giving him a warning glare.

"Welcome, Cavidan hanım," Reyhan says, her voice tense but polite. "What can we do for you?"

"Come, sweetheart. Come. The doctor says for you to stay off your feet." Emine reaches for her. She moves over to make room for Reyhan to sit next to her. "Your mother in law is just here checking in on you. She was worried sick when you collapsed."

"When my mother made her collapse, you mean," Emir adds, staring daggers at Cavidan.

He's sitting on the other side of Reyhan, so she just reaches out to grab his hand, giving it a comforting squeeze.

Cavidan notes the move and frowns, the solidarity between the two growing more and more despite all Cavidan has done to separate them.

"Thank you for your concern, Cavidan hanım," Reyhan says to the woman. "As you can see, I am well taken care of here. Emir and I both are."

"Emine Anne loves me the way you should have been able to love Reyhan," Emir tells her.

"Emir," Cavidan snaps, losing her patience with this show of strength against her. "Show some respect, please. I am still your mother. I am the one you will have to crawl back to when this little pretend family of yours falls apart and leaves you stranded. I'm the only one you will have when these people no longer have a use for you."

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