For the first time in a while, Izuku looked up at the tall man. His red puffy eyes focused on the man, as if he was searching for any sign that the man was lying. "But what about Kacchan? I want Kacchan." Izuku asked with a broken voice.

"No." Izuku flinched at the sudden, loud sound. The man calmed down and spoke once again, but this time in a softer tone. "You won't be able to see this Kacchan of yours. We are sorry, we really are. But be happy, we gonna make you a hero. You don't need this Kacchan to be a hero."

Izuku whined loud. "Nooo. I want Kacchan! We gonna be the best heroes together. I don't want to be a hero without him. And I want my mommy." Izuku sobbed in his seat. New tears fell out of his already swollen and red eyes.

"Your mother is dead." A shudder moved down Izuku's spine at the cold tone of the man. "If you don't give it a rest, now, you won't see your precious Kacchan ever again. Just be grateful. We help you to fulfill your dream. So just shut up." The man didn't have the nerve to deal with a loud toddler right now. This brat. Why can't he be grateful?

Izuku only nodded silently, and shrank in his seat. I don't want to be a hero without Kacchan. Please, I want Mommy. Mommy! He sobbed quietly, to afraid to make any sound. The toddler just lost his mother, and, now, he won't ever see his best friend again.

"So you decided to shut your mouth. Thank god, I'm not paid enough to deal with a brat like you." Still pissed, the man decided to focus on the street. No sound was made for the rest of the drive, only the radio sounds could be heard.


They arrived at a big house, more like a mansion. Izuku could see a training field, a gym and a forest.

"Here we are. Follow me, I'm gonna show you your room." The male left his seat and walked to the door of the house. "I said follow me, didn't I?" The threat in his tone was clearly audible.

Izuku didn't hesitate further to follow the man and ran up to him as fast as his little legs could take him.

He was led through different corridors until he locked eyes with a teenager, no young adult, probably 16 or 17. For a second Izuku's green eyes were locked with the other's golden ones.

Izuku stumbled a bit, but he could catch himself in time. He took a second look at the teenager who still stood at the same place.

The teenager had golden locks, golden eyes and red wings. A smile adorned his face, so bright, it could rival the sun. For the first time since his mother died, he felt a warmth inside of him, as if everything was going to be okay. But as soon as he thought that, he ran against the man, who brought him here, and fell on his butt.

"Watch out brat." The man said angrily. He walked again and gestured to the boy to follow him. Izuku did as told, but not without a last look at the teenager.

He was gone.

At that time, Izuku didn't know, yet, that he wouldn't see him for a long time.

The walk felt endless, but, in fact, a few minutes later, they already reached a door. "This is your room. Sleep or whatever, everything you need is inside. But you should probably rest, tomorrow is gonna be a long day. For both of us." He mumbled the last part quietly under his breath.

When Izuku entered his room, the first he saw was his bed. It was a simple wooden bed with white covers in a corner of his new room, next to his bed was a small wooden nightstand. In another corner was a closet, it wasn't big nor was it small. Next to his closet was an open door leading to a bathroom. On the other side of the bed was a desk with notebooks and pencils. A small TV was hanging on the wall and a small couch was across from the TV.

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