Stray problem

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In the morning, Y/n woke up and went to school. Along the way, Raynare message him.

Raynare: Good morning handsome. I'll get to the point right away, have you seen any nuns around?

Y/n: Morning, beautiful. And no I didn't. Why?

Raynare: One nun who has Twilight Healing special Sacred Gear is to come to us. But she hasn't shown up yet, maybe she's lost, when you find her please escort her to church.

Garito: And will there be a reward?

Raynare: For you always,❤️I love you.❤️

Y/n: 🖤I love you too.🖤

When Y/n hid his phone, he saw Issei and a nun.

Y/n: (think) It could be her. (came to them)

Issei: Hi Y/n.

Y/n: I'm surprised you're still friendly to me. And by the way, who is this? (points at nun)

nun: I am Asia Argento is my pleasure.

Y/n: Y/n Anu pleasure is mine. What are you doing here?

Asia: I'm lost, and here Issei helps me find my way to church.

Y/n: Interesting how I would like to accompany you there, but I have to go to school, goodbye for now. (left)

As Y/n left, he pulled out his phone and wrote to Raynare.

Y/n: She should come soon, the pervert accompanies her there.

Raynare: At least he's good for something. And the reward is waiting for you here so you can pick it up whenever you want.

Y/n: You really know how to get me going.

The day at school was boring again, and now Y/n and Issei are in the ORC room.

Issei: Ah, geez, it seems like I'm always getting the president mad at me. And why didn't you warn me, Y/n?

Y/n: You have to feel that feeling on your own otherwise you won't understand it.

Akeno appeared behind Y/n.

Akeno: The president is just worried about you Issei.

Y/n: (scared) Damn it Akeno, I almost got a heart attack!

Rias then entered the room.

Rias: Akeno, I thought you'd gone home already.

Akeno: We received a massege from the archduke a moment ago.

Rias: From the archduke?

Akeno: Apparently, a stray devil has been spotted in this town.

Y/n: I will finally be able to kill stray devil legally.

Issei: You've already killed a few!?

Y/n: I've already lost count.

When everyone teleported to where the stray devil was found, they entered the building.

Rias: Issei, Y/n.

Issei: Y-Yes, President?

Y/n: Yes?

Rias: Are you familiar with chess?

Issei: Chess? like, the bord game?

Y/n: That's right, you idiot. So now you're going to tell us you're the king and so on, aren't you?

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