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When Y/n woke up in the morning, he performed his early routine and went to school. There he saw something that did not surprise him at all. Issei went to school alongside Rias. But all the students were shocked.

boy 1: Wh-Why!?

boy 2: No way! Not that guy!

girl 1: That lowlife, of all pepole?

And Y/n looked at Issei, who had that perverted smile.

Y/n: (thing) Why did you have to survive. I would have peace without you.

And then he got hit from Egg head.

Egg head: You betrayed your comrades in the losers alliance!

Big eyes: Colm down, Matsuda.

Egg head: Motohama!

Big eyes: First, we want to hear what's going on, Issei. What happend yesterday after we left you!?

Issei: Matsuda, Motohama.

Egg head: What, Issei?

Issei: Have you guys ever seen real breasts?

Y/n then came to him and kicked him in the stomach.

Issei: For what!?

Y/n: You're asking idiot! Not even school started and I already have a migraine from you.

Y/n then pulled himself together and went to class.

With Rias

Sona: So, he's the one? Good day, Rias.

Rias: Good day, Sona.

Sona and Rias looked at the situation around Issei, Y/n, Egg head and Big eyes.

Sona: It's not like you to impulsively decide to bring someone into your household.

Rias: It's not? Well, I got myself a silly little brother.

Sona: I see. And as for Y/n, they seem to go for the neck even though he's barely tranfered here. And I also felt like he's a devil too, so he's in your household as well?

Rias: Yes.

After school back with Y/n.

Y/n is sitting next to Issei waiting for someone accompany them to Rias.

Issei: She said she's be sending someone, but in the end, no one came.

Then all the girls started screaming and Y/n and Issei looked who was coming.

Kiba: Hey.

All girls: Kiba!

Issei: That handsome prince? Fuck off.

Y/n: Don't be like that because when everyone stands next to you, they all are handsome prince.

Issei: WHAT did you said!?

Kiba: Excuse me for a bit.

girl 1: Oh, please come in.

girl 2: It's a humble place, but meke yourself at home.

Y/n: (thing) That was terrible.

And he came to Y/n and Issei.

Kiba: Oh, hello.

/highschool dxd/ lord of death among the livingKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat