✨ Chapter Two ✨

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Chapter Two:
Who is that girl staring back at me?


Lyma opened her eyes and found herself in a strange room. The bed she was lying on was large and white, and the walls were painted a pale yellow. The only light came from a few small lamps on the walls and a large window that let in the moonlight. It is already deep into the night which meant she had overslept and missed dinner.

Lyma sat up and look around. It's dimly-lit but she can still see most of the parts of the room. She moves towards the left side edge of the bed and stood up. The room is divided into two sections. The first part is where Lyma is, the bed chamber, it has the queen-sized bed on the center and two large windows on the sides. There is a single door on the right-side wall and a small coffee table and divan on the left side. Facing the bed chamber is the second part which is separated by a thin white veil that overlaps in the center. She walked towards the veil. She was surprised that the two parts does not only is separated by the veil but three-stepped stairs. Which makes the first part, bedchamber, elevated than the second part which is some kind of a small receiving area with an office table.

Lyma walked down the steps and looked around the room. On the left side was a double door, which she thought was the entrance to the room. Three or four steps away from the door was a small receiving area with two long navy-blue sofas facing each other and a gold-rimmed glass table between them. On the right side was a large brown wooden table, like a president's office desk, parallel to the door. Behind the desk was a wall-mounted bookshelf. On the wall facing her, behind the first sofa, were a series of large glass-door cabinets that held a variety of objects, such as stones and gems, colored liquids in jars, and a few framed preserved flowers. It looked like a collection. Lyma wondered for a moment if the book had mentioned Pandora having a hobby of collecting things.

Lyma could not remember anything about Pandora's hobbies, except that she enjoyed going to the garden and taking care of the rose flower beds.

Lyma walked over to the door and opened it a crack. She peered out into a long hallway that was lit by small wall-mounted lamps. At the end of the hallway was a large window, and on the right side was a corner wall. Lyma was about to close the door and go back inside when another door opened on the same side as hers, near the corner wall.

Lyma was startled by the small voice. She turned around and saw a young girl standing in the doorway. The girl was holding an oil-lit lamp in her right hand and was walking towards Lyma.

"Your Highness?" the girl asked. "Do you need something?"

Lyma could hear the grogginess in the girl's voice. It sounded like she had just woken up.

"I just woke up," Lyma said.

"Then you must be famished," Lily said. "I shall inform the kitchen to prepare you something. Please do wait inside your room for now. We shall bring you your food as soon as possible."

Lyma wanted to argue that she was not hungry, but Lily was already on her way down the hallway.

"That girl moves fast!" Lyma thought. "I just blinked and she was already a few steps away."

Lyma watched Lily go, then she turned and walked back into her room. She closed the door behind her and leaned against it. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Lyma went back inside and sat on one of the sofas in her room. She leaned back and stared off into space. She thought about what was happening to her.

The serenity of the moment allowed Lyma to relax and let her thoughts flow freely. She thought back to the very start of everything. 'I can remember having the attack. The scrutinizing pain in my chest. The struggle to breathe.' She thought.
"I died." She mumbles. She could still remember her death as if it were happening all over again. She could feel the pain in her chest, the struggle to breathe, the fear of dying. She could hear the sound of her own heart beating, getting slower and slower until it finally stopped.

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