He lifted her chin up with his index finger. Her hazel eyes met his dark ones..

Miss Kanti I have an obsession of getting whatever I want and you are my obsession itself The most precious one. How can I let you go,.. I could have get you long time ago if I want but I didn't..
Know why? Coz I don't forced women specially when the one is so adorable like you.. I want you to come to me by yourself-

"Yes you are right you aren't forcing me you are just threatening me huh? Do you even know the meaning of threaten and forced.."

"Think whatever you want sweetheart U know I can make you beg me " he spoked followed with a bitter laugh.

Not even in your dreams Mr.Kim.. She spoked with hated in her voice that made Taehyung even more frustrated. The more he tried to stay calm the more she made it worsed for him.

Fine then.. He took out his phone and dialed someone...


As soon as he said the Truck drives directly to the shop with a full speed making the glasses schattered into pieces..


Her body was shaking tears rolling down her cheeks, She drop the ipad and broke down into tears..
She runs towards the door but Taehyung grabs her waist and stop her.

"Leave me! You kill my ajumma you kill her you are so cruel, I said leave me..

She was struggling to get off from his grip but fail. He turns her around facing him..She grabs his collar and hit his chest continously she was a crying mess now

Kanti listen-

Why? Why did you kill her what's her fault

Listen to me fir- His words were cut again
'I hate you don't touch me'..

He locked her hands behind her body on back

I said stop it listen to me !! He shouted making her flinch and stopped

She's fine nothing happen to her see.. He saw her the video were Mrs.Aro is talking with some customers.

Ho-w co-me this..? her voice cracked and came out as a wisper. He took the ipad from her..

She's fine but if you disobey me then she may not this time.

Please don't do this please I beg you.. She look at him with her teary eyes..

It's your choice you decide it whether to obey me or let her die.


I Will do whatever you want but please don't drag ajumma in this leave her alone

He released her hands from his hold...Hmm finally you agreed huh..If you have said that earlier then I won't have to do all this drama's and made you cry look at yourself your face is all puffy.. He said cubbing her cheeks.

Kanti just stand their quite thinking what could have happen if the Truck really hits her... She will lose her and left all alone when her parents left Mrs.Aro was there by her side but now she's the only family of her if she also leaves her then she don't know what will she do.. She can't imagine her life without Mrs.Aro she's the only family for her , because of her she have a family she's not being called orphan by people.

Mrs.Aro sacrificed a lot for her she even left her only beloved son whose currently living in London with his wife and kids. Her son wants her to live with them in London but she denied it saying she can't live Kanti alone not until she get married.
Her son even offer Kanti to live with them he treats her like his own little sister too but Kanti wants to take care of her mom's bussiness being a florist and continue to grow the "BLOSSOM" by herself for her late parents so she denied it too.

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