Chapter 3

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At Arya's apartment later that night- "God, why did he have to show up? He was the one that left me behind, and decided to not return until five years later." Arya is talking out loud while searching her apartment for a piece of the past. It doesn't help she has close to almost everything packed away in boxes. However, what she is looking for is still unpacked like she somehow knew that she was going to go looking for her old phone, that she kept in its original box in her bedside table, just in case she broke her phone and didn't feel the need to buy a new one. She powered her old phone up, and went to the texts that she could never bring herself to delete, the ones between her and Gendry.

Gendry: hey shrimp, want to go check out a movie later? I really want to see that new horror film that just came out.
Arya: oh you mean so you can prove how much of a macho man you are when I end up squeezing my eyes shut?

Gendry: yes, me big macho man. I protect little woman. Save her from the scary people on big screen.

Arya: ugh! Fine. When you coming to pick me up?

Gendry: I will be there in like thirty mins.

Arya: alright see you soon.

Arya had always hated horror movies, it was just something about them that would stay with her for weeks after watching them. It wasn't the gore that got to her, it was the thought of someone stalking her and trying to hurt her or her family that did it to her. She remembers going to see horror movies with Gendry and how he would always hold her hand through the whole thing, and when it really got to what Gendry called the "good parts" Arya would simply put her head on his shoulder, and he would hum the song "You Are My Sunshine" and it would automatically make Arya relax.

The short trip down memory lane took Arya by surprise, she hasn't thought of a memory like that in such a long time. She realized that the reason that she got pulled from her memory was because there was a knocking on her door. She got up and then went to her door, wishing she didn't already pack away the hallway mirror so that she could check her reflection and make sure her face didn't show that she had almost been crying.

"Oh hi Dany, how are you doing? And what are you doing here?"

"Oh I thought I would just drop by and say that I am sorry about what happened earlier. I am sorry that I didn't make it to your graduation, and that Jon surprised you with who he decided to sit with and bring as his plus one."

"I understand, you are trying to run for mayor, and you need to really focus on that since the election will be coming up this coming fall. Do you want something to drink or eat?" Arya grabs the bottle of wine that she was going to break open anyway, and grabs two regular cups. "My wine glasses are already packed in a box."

"Some wine sounds wonderful, thanks. Also, don't think I didn't realize you avoided a certain topic." Dany not so discretely uses her left hand to put a strand of hair behind her ear and keeps her hand there until Arya acknowledges what she is saying.

Arya slams down the two cups on her counter as her eyes go wide while looking at one of her closest friend's left hand. "Give me your hand now!" Arya nearly shouts at Dany, even though she is no more than an arm's length away from Arya. After a moment of silence while Arya examined the claddagh ring that had a black diamond in the center heart. "Oh my god! I am so happy for you two!"

"Well I hope that you keep that thought in your mind when I tell you what I am about to say next." Dany took a deep breath, because she knew what was coming. "Jon is asking Gendry to be his best man."

Arya took a sip of her drink to let that sink in for a moment, not only was he going to be going to Dany and Jons' wedding, but he would be in it, and in the pictures and going to all the stuff leading up to the actual wedding. She cleared her throat just to make sure she could say the words that needed to be said to Dany, it after all is their big day, not hers. "That makes sense, they have been good friends for such a long time, and Jon only has a few close friends as it is."
There I handled the situation very diplomatically.

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