Chapter 2

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The next day at Arya's graduation:
"I am so proud of you, pip-squeak" Jon wraps his arms around his baby sister.

"Thanks! Where is Dany? I made sure that you had a ticket for her."

Jon had a guilt look and was shifting his weight, and then ran his hand through his black curls. "Well you see, she had a last minute work thing pop up."

"Oh that's fine, I saw other empty seats in the crowd so I don't feel guilty about the ticket going to waste. By the way I didn't see you sitting with the rest of the family, there was a couple I didn't recognize in your seats. Where were you sitting? I feel bad you sat alone."

"I switched with them, they were someone's grandparents that didn't get there early, I sat towards the back. And the ticket didn't go to waste, there was someone that wanted to be there for you."

Now Arya was starting to stare daggers at her favorite brother. "Jon, who did you give the extra ticket to?"

"Hello Arya." A voice said quietly from behind Arya, she slowly turned around to see the only man she ever cried over.

"What the hell?! What are you doing here?" She was fuming at Gendry, and then she turned around to face Jon so he doesn't think he is innocent in the matter. "And you, I don't even know what to say to you right now. You knew I didn't want to see him."

Gendry wasn't surprised by her reaction, hell he knew he deserved it. Jon however was a different story.

"Listen, I know you are a bit upset about it right now, but he wanted to talk to you." Jon whispers into Arya's ear, "you didn't tell me he has tried to contact you during the years that he was gone."

Arya did not whisper her response, not caring if she hurt Gendry's feelings. "I didn't care if he tried to contact me, he left me. I mean he left us with only a ten minute warning." She felt like her words and emotions might betray her soon, so she needed to make a quick exit. "Listen, thanks for coming, Jon, tell Dany I said hi and will call soon." She turned to face the first man she gave her heart to just to have him toss it out the window. "Gendry, piss off." Arya left the two men standing there to just watch all the happy people celebrating with their loved ones that just graduated.

"I'm sorry Gendry, I didn't think she would react like that," Jon apologized to his friend.

"Don't be sorry, I deserved it. I left, I regret it all the time, I was stupid back then."

Jon put his hand on his friend's shoulder, "alright, well I will see you later, thank you again for coming. It means a lot to her, even though she wont admit it."

"No worries, and I know she was always stubborn."

Jon chuckles, "yeah and that is coming from the bull." Jon waves to his friend as he walks to his truck.

"Arya, I will make it up to you, I swear it. I just hope I'm not too late." He knew he had to make a plan, and had to get started fast because he knew her, she would start building up her defenses.

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