Chapter 3: Killing

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Y/n Pov:


"Yeah, hey y/n." He says then looking down.

"How much did you hear?" I ask him.

Scott answers instead of him and says

"Probably enough."

"Yeah, that's about right. Skipping classes again?" Stiles says to me. He comes up to you and gives you a hug. You answer the hug even if you're still shocked. I guess this is his apology somehow.

"Moron" I tell him.

"Shut up and fucking hug me, you idiot. You too, Scott."

Scott gets up and joins in the hug. I don't think there is any safer place I'd rather be right now.

After school

We had a nice moment in the hallway, after that we all went to class. Including me, Stiles wouldn't let me skip, since there was too much to risk. I truly tried but he's so stubborn.

Scott told us about what Jackson did and I told Scott that when I find him, he's definitely a dead man. No one beats Scott up unless it's me.

Stiles had some urging news he wanted to share after school, so we all decided to meet up at his house. When I entered his room, there were papers everywhere on the floor.

"Are you off your meds or something?" I asked Stiles.

He looks at me super confused "why would you believe that?"

I point at the floor, full covered in papers.

"Oh that, in progress but look here" He tells me and Scotts enters the bedroom.

"I have some intel on the wolf thing"

"Okay go on then" Scott says.

"Remember the joke of the other day? It's not a joke anymore." He says.

I look at Scott for some reassurance, but he looks even more lost than me.

"Fuck it, just listen. Both of you, yes you too y/n. Do you know why a wolf howls?"

"Should we?" I ask out loud.

He shrugs and says "It's a Signal, y/n. When a wolf howls, he signals his location to the rest of the pack. So if you heard it, maybe you're not the only one, maybe there's a whole pack of wolves."

"Wait. You're not still bitching about this wolf and moon thingy, are you?" I ask him.

He doesn't answer, instead, he looks at Scott for some kind of help.

"Oh hell nah, he's not going to help you at all."

"But it's true, I promise!" Stiles says to Scott.

"I don't have time for this, I'm picking up Allison in an hour" Scott answers him.

"Okay, tell me this. You played like a pro today and you're not using your inhaler anymore.
So you've got some kind of healing power and some superpower shit that makes you hearing, seeing, and smelling better! You tell me if I'm imagining stuff now!"

" I can't think of this now, I've got to go. See ya both"

Scott takes his jacket from Stile's bed and kisses my cheek goodbye. Stiles stop him before he leaves
and says
" You can't leave it's a full moon tonight. It's going to make you want to kill"

He simply gets Stiles out of his way and says " I feel like killing someone right now" on his way out.

"That went well" I let out...


𝚅𝚘𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝, 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜♥︎

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