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"Party time, guys!" Kate screamed and everyone turned to her. They sent her a cheerful smile.

"Kate, you are the best! How did you even manage to convince him sef?" A girl asked with a wide smile on her face.

"I told you I would convince him. I keep my words. You can trust me anytime," Kate replied and everyone cheered for her. Girls gathered around her and they began to plan the party.

"E choke!" I mumbled when I remembered Kate's words.

I keep my words. You can trust me anytime! Abeg oo. Who is she deceiving? I'm sure it is herself.

My eyes were quick to spot Freddy walk into the hall. He had a big bouquet of roses in his hand and a big red gift bag. My heart squeezed at once. He walked to Kate and silently stood behind her.

"Happy Valentine!" he whispered and she turned around. Kate screamed at once when she saw the roses and hopped on Freddy, wrapping her arms around his neck. The crowd chorused, "Awwwn!"

"Thank you! Thank you! I love you so much," Kate squeaked and kissed his cheek. Then, she paused and her eyes searched the crowd. When she spotted me, she smirked and planted a kiss on Freddy's lips.

She's PURE evil! She eats and drinks wickedness daily. I mean it.

Everyone clapped for the couples. I just stood frozen. Freddy was beaming at the crowd. His eyes caught mine and he smiled at me.

So clueless that I love him while he is crushing my heart into pieces.

His expression changed and became more serious.

"What's wrong?" he mouthed.

I fought with my whole might and sent a fake smile at him. I turned around and felt dizzy knowing that the fake smile sucked all energy in me.

How can I handle this battle with Kate? She is winning while I'm losing.


After Freddy had presented his valentine's gift to Kate, they both left the hall holding hands. My mood was so gloomy when they left that I just rushed to my hotel room and spent the next two hours there.

Just when I was about to fall asleep, there was a knock at the door. At first, I chose to ignore it since I was too lazy to stand up but then I asked myself, "What if there is an emergency?"

I rolled out of the bed and lazily strolled to the door. I opened it and my eyes widened when I saw the unexpected visitor.

"Oh!" she looked around with disdain. "So you stay here? No money to lodge a five-star hotel, right?"

I was still dumbfounded to find her here and just stared in silence.

"I know I'm beautiful but you don't have to stare too much," she flipped her braids off her shoulder and smirked.

"Kate," I spat the name out with disgust. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here about the valentine party!"

"I'm not coming!" I stated and proceeded to lock the door.

She pushed it open and scowled. "Why?"

"Na your business?" I hissed.

"Freddy said I should invite you," she said with an eyeroll.

I paused and rose a brow. "Why couldn't he invite me himself?"

"Oh!" she chuckled. "Because I'm lying. I'm just here to see your miserable state. I'm even happy you aren't coming to the party. I don't want you there. I want Freddy all to myself. You wanna know why? Cos Freddy belongs to me. Bye! Lemme not interrupt your crying".

His 9ja BabeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora