~Chapter 28: Death scare~

Start from the beginning

"Hey Minho" Jess' voice called out again, less stern then the previous time.

"Whats up?"

"Be careful with her" She lowered her voice, despite everyone still having the ability to hear her.

"Of course i will be" Minho reassured her, readying himself for his duty, "She's precious cargo after all"

Robyn looked over to Jess, who had a concerned look on her face. To be honest, Robyn didn't like the fact people were constantly worried about everything she did. If it was anyone else or any of the boys, no one would think twice. She was sick of people underestimating her and now was her chance to prove them wrong.

"Send me Minho" Robyn stared at the goal ahead - the lever. This was the only option to escape this place and Robyn and Minho were the ones who had to pull it off.

"One" Minho began the countdown, the adrenaline filling the pair. They were ready.


Robyn stared at the goal ahead, her eyes focusing on the lever just ahead. It would be hard, but she had faith in them - they could do this.


The force of Minho's arms in Robyn's lower back sent her gliding through the air once more, much faster than the previous time. In the corners of her eyes, she could see multiple faces watching her as she went by. Her light hazel eyes were fixated on the lever that neared - she was going to make it. Her short arms stretched forward, reaching for the fence around the lever. She moved closer and closer, until she began slowing down and the force of the rope began to pull her back.

"No, no, no!" Robyn cried out as her finger tips swiped across the painted wood, just millimetres off being able to grab a hold of it.

"AH!" Minho furiously flung his body back, disappointed in himself for letting everyone down.

"Shit" Thomas sighed in frustration, just like everyone around them. They all tried to mask their disappointment and annoyance, but the feeling was too strong.

"Just keep trying" Teresa tried to lighten the mood, encouraging her friends to not give up.

"Let's go, hurry" Jess urged, her heart thumping wildly in her chest from heavy tension.

"You can do this Minho!" Robyn whispered as she swung back into his arms.

His face was full of anger and looked almost drained. The girl grabbed his face, forcing him to look into his eyes, "Minho listen, keep trying. You will do this, no matter how many tries it takes. I believe in you"

The boy took a breath and smiled at the brunette. Robyn's words of encouragement always helped him, not matter how big or small the job was. She made everything seem ok, because unlike everyone, she truly did believe. Robyn believed in all of the gladers and her new friends and family. Robyn didn't have the slightest bit of doubt in any of them.

"I can do this" Minho steadied himself up for another shot, his hands gripping around the waistband of her cargo pants. His eyes steadied on her destination, measuring up the amount of power he would need to use, "You ready?"

"Do it Minho" Robyn prepared herself just before his hands pushed her once again. As she moved along, she knew this wasn't the one. The rope began to tug her body back much earlier than before and as she held her hands up, a great distance was between them and the fence. Robyn flopped her arms back down even before she swung back, knowing this was a failed attempt.

"Ugh" Robyn groaned as her body floated back into Minho.

"Come on Minho, push her harder!" Newt shouted as he watched from the side.

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