Chapter 31:"Hogwart Ball"

Start from the beginning

"Law?" Prof. McGonagall questioned 

Hadrian suppress an urge to rolled his eyes, These people is In-competent want to answer only got surpras by the Baritone Familiar voice, "Indeed, There an Old Law that an Under-Age student who got chosen the Tri-Wizard tournament need to have consent from the Guardian or Parent."

"Lucius..." Dumbledore surprise before saw Minister Fudge, "Cornelius."

Remus who is silent it seem that he is calling the Board of the School Governor, Lucius and Minister Cornelius Fudge to the school, Hadrian look at Remus with new light while Sirius has an unreadable look in his face.

'it seem that Remus is smarter than what people though of him.' Hadrian comment inwardly in silent

 "I bring the Book of Law and of course with the Minister Fudge." Lucius said silkily with his Icy tone before glance at Minister Fudge who scrambled to open the Thick Large Leather Book, "Well?"

"There it is. The Law." Fudge showing the rule to the Occupant in the room who read it, "Yes, the Under-age need to have consent from the Guardian and with Mr. Potter-Black who didn't wish to join the Tri-Wizard tournament, His Guardian meaning Lord Black and Mr. Lupin can pull Mr. Potter-Black from the Tournament."

Hadrian glance at Dumbledore who has an suppress anger before he sigh loudly, clapping his hand like there nothing happen, "Well, it clearly said in there. I will not participate in Tournament, thank you very much." He smile to Prof. Snape who look at him with an hidden amusement, "Isn't it time for the curfew, Prof. Snape?"

"Yes, of course. Excuse me, Headmaster's, Madam's. It's time for Mr. Potter-Black back to his Dormitory." Prof. Snape bid them with dipped of his head

Hadrian followed the Potion Master before glance at Marvolo who give a twitch of Amusement, The moment he step outside from the Headmaster office, He growling in anger as his Magic pulsing around him in anger.

"Hold your anger and explained the situation to your friends so there no misunderstood." Prof. Snape said glance at the Boy who unclench his hand, calming his anger

"Yes, of course." He respond in Icy voice which Prof. Snape winched internally at Dumbledore foolish move.


Dumbledore who was in his Room was in Rage, He hold the Tri-Wizard Tournament so the Boy could enter and make his friends envy of him. Why?! Why it didn't happened like he want?! The Boy should be his sholdier, He supposed to got shunned by his friends and come to him in tears and worry not like this!


The next day after Hadrian explained everything to his friend, they obviously angry to Dumbledore, Slytherin's is quite smart not like Gryffindor who is rowdy and Hadrian didn't notice it, got blind by the Savior that save him from that Hell-Hole.

Rita Skeeter comes to the Hogwart to take an interview and photo of them while Hadrian is in the Great Hall along with his friend and Marvolo who sit beside him, It seem after that, the Durmstrange student got another Traumatic events from certain Ex-Dark Lord and Hadrian didn't want to know.

"Say, Do you know the first task?" Draco questioned

Hadrian shrug, "Perhaps.."

"That's not an answer..." Draco point it out make him chuckled

A few days after the publishing of the Daily Prophet, Hadrian sensed an agitating presence. It's like a Dragon makes him frown. He stiffens in his seat with Marvolo who worried by his sudden stiffen.

"What's wrong?" He asked in worried

"My Blood is agitated..." Hadrian said worriedly, "I worry that the Dragon is coming to the Hogwart today..."

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