Chapter 3

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>>>>>>>>>>>Nicole P.O.V<<<<<<<<<<
After running away from my dad I then noticed how far I was from me and Samantha's hiding place.

Thankfully I didn't tell a soul about where it is except, we'll...Samantha.

We have been planning this escape for years since we were like...ten.

I hiked nearer to the little cave that hid behind the bushes.

I entered and put my backpack down then went back out to gather wood to make fire.

When my hands were full, I made my way back to the cave.

I stopped; my heart began to beat fast.

I sniffed the air; a whiff of a cigarette filled my nose.

I put the branches down then slowly continued to the cave.

Alarms started to go off in my head and anger was filling inside of me, I heard Samantha screaming and yelling.

"LET GO OF ME!" She shouted.

"WHERE IS NICOLE STAMMER HIDING?" A man's voice boomed through the forest.

"I WON'T TELL YO-" she yelled but was cut off by another man yelling.

I hid behind a tree and watched them.
A blonde-haired soldier had Samantha on her knees in front of him with her hands tied up.

"FRANK!" A black man came into view. "I found a cave and found this in it," he lifted my backpack.

"Shit!" I whispered.

The blond soldier took it from him and put it in Samantha's face. "Is this for Nicole?" He asked. "No, I've never seen it before," she answered looking at it intently.

She is an incredible actress!

I couldn't help the small smile that played its way on my lips.

He didn't bother asking her again and opened my bag, he flipped it upside down and everything fell out.
Food containers some fruits and veggies, snacks and a couple of water bottles all fell to the ground.

Yes, it was very heavy.

"Are you sure about that?" He said not looking up at her.

His voice sounds so familiar if only he wasn't wearing a mask on his face

He bent down and started looking at everything closely, he then investigated my bag and noticed the hidden zipper inside of it.

Damn it! I have my wallet in there, there is a picture of me and my family together...before they killed my two big brothers.

"Bingo!" He yelled in a strong Australian accent, he pulls out my wallet and looked through it.

"So, you don't know that this is Nicole's bag, huh!?" He said sarcastically showing her the photo by turning the wallet around to her.

Samantha went red.

I took a small step forward.

I scrunched my face up, a couple of twigs broke from beneath my weight.

Everything goes quiet for a few seconds then the blond soldier said.

"Nic, Nic, Nic, Nicole. Come out, come out wherever you are!"

"Nicole Embersen Stammer-" the other soldier said but the blond soldier cut him off.

"Surrender now! Or else..." he put his handgun to Samantha's head.

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