Chapter Ten ~ Stupid Question

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     "Do I have to be here? I'm bored," I groan, looking at Odysseus, awaiting his answer

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

     "Do I have to be here? I'm bored," I groan, looking at Odysseus, awaiting his answer.

"Yes, that's a stupid question," he says looking at me sternly, returning his attention back to the papers that littered his desk.

My heart sinks. How was that a stupid question?

"It's a stupid question because did you see what happened when I left you in the care of another?" He asks, I look at him in shock. How did he manage to know what I was thinking?

"I can read your thoughts, remember?"
"I can also talk to you like this," he says in head. My head starts to pound as he talks to me. The voice gets louder and louder as it echos in my brain.

"Ouch! Stop!" I yell causing the voices to fade as tears fill my eyes.

"What wrong?" He asks me, concern filling his eyes.

"It hurts," I say, holding my head, waiting for the ache to dull as I blink away my tears.

"Do you want to me to take you to the pack doctor?" He asks me, sitting on the edge of his seat as he patiently waits for my answer.

"No!" I quickly reply, I was not going back there to get more things shoved in my arm.
"I'm fine," I quickly add on, trying to vaguely justify why I don't need to go.

"Are you sure?" He asks, raising his eyebrows in concern.

"I'm fine! How long do you need to be doing this for?" I ask him, referring to the papers on his desk.

"Well I'm almost finished for the day," he says straightening the papers.

"Ok hurry up please," I beg him. His eyes flash gold for a mere second but he stays silent, not liking my un-submissive behaviour.

He didn't like me giving him directions. He liked being in charge. It was easy to see that. He was a primal beast.

"Done," he says as he tidies up all of the paperwork.

"I'm starving," I say to him, a blush rising on my face as my stomach growls, demanding to be heard.

"I know baby, it's dinner time," he says to me, a shiver makes it way down my spine at the nickname. I shouldn't be reacting like this but I couldn't help it.

"Tonight I will introduce you to the pack as my Luna and tomorrow we shall have the ceremony," he says to me causing my throat to go dry.

"Aren't you meant to fully mate after the ceremony?" I ask him with a squeaky voice, there's no way in hell I was mating this bastard. He should be grateful he got to mark me, un-consensually might I add.

"Yes my love, why is that?" He asks me as he stands up, his huge form towering over mine, causing my heart to race. He was intimidating, especially when he had a beast awaiting silently in the back of his mind, waiting to strike every time I were to step out of line.

ODYSSEUSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن