Daniela's Brother

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Hey everybody sorry I haven't been updating a lot I've been super busy with school and life. I will try to update more and please comment I would love to know what you think of my book love you and stay fresh.

Caroline's P.O.V

I went in the woods and seen them tied up with vervain ropes and staved with a wood stake. Then someone grabbed me and staved me in the belly and I collapsed.

Daniela's P.O.V

I see this blonde girl looking at Damon and Elena and I knock her out as well. Then I feel something grab me and push me I turn around It's my brother. I vamp speed and push him but he grabs my hand and puts a ring on it I then feel at ease and look at it. Then I looked at everyone else and as I cried I untied them and said sorry. They forgave me and they left but my brother was pissed at me so he didn't talk to me.

Damon's P.O.V

We got home after we dropped of Caroline and I immediately started to devour Elena. She told me she loved me and I couldn't help but kiss her. After a few hours we fell a sleep. As I fell asleep I dreamed about Daniela's face and I finally remembered a little about her she was ...........

Sorry I haven't been able to update anything I will try harder I just am so busy with the real world that I don't have much time for the virtual world shout outs to Lanabug1864 and romance freak17 ask me to read your book and critique it I love to help my adorable fans out there ok love you and stay fresh

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