Izuku tightened his grip around his All Might figurine and a wide smile crossed his face. "Did you hear that, Mommy? I'm gonna be a hero! Just like All Might and Kacchan and we are going to be the best hero duo the world has ever seen." Izuku beamed in his seat and his mother smiled over Izuku's happiness.

Izuku couldn't believe it. Kacchan and I are going to be the best heroes! He will be number one and I would be number two. Maybe I could be number one. Nah. Kacchan really wants to be the number one hero, I would never crash his dreams because that is something a hero wouldn't do. Right? (A/N All Might should take some notes. No offense.)

Izuku's mother was happy as well, her son's dream would be fulfilled. "What is his quirk, Doctor?" I mean, he said it was pretty powerful. Maybe a stronger version of mine or his fathers? Maybe a mix of them like Pyrokinesis? Of course, a little part of her hoped selfishly, Izuku's quirk would not be the same as his father's. She was still angry the coward left them two years ago, after saying he would go "buy milk". But her anger would never change her view on her little Angel, no matter his quirk.

Midoriya Inko
Quirk: Attraction of small objects
Her Quirk gives her the ability to pull small objects towards her body from afar.

Midoriya Hisashi
Quirk: Fire Breath
His Quirk gives him the ability to breath fire.

The doctor just smiled at the young boy and said, " Your son will have some kind of owl wings and corresponding skills." Dr. Tsubasa was pleased to see the happiness on the faces. Some days he had to tell young kids with hope that they had no quirk. He was relieved that today was not such a day. He was no idiot, he knew how quirkless people were treated, and he knew the statistics. He was happy that most of the time he could bring good news, because only 20% of the population was quirkless and most of them were old by now.

Inko was confused. How could Izuku get a quirk like this. Who in my or Hisashis family had a mutation Quirk or a Quirk that had something to do with avians? Despite her thoughts, she wanted to know more. "How is this possible? I mean, don't get me wrong, it is a really powerful quirk, but how could he get a quirk like this? Neither mine nor my husband's quirk were something like this." After a quick explanation of the doctor, that quirks can skip multiple generations, she asked another question. "Do you know what kind of owl wings and abilities my son is going to have?"

Yay! I'm going to be able to fly. I always wanted to know what it feels like to fly. Izuku was so happy, all his dreams could come true. Despite trying to listen, a very important thought captured his attention and hindered him. Katsuki – or how Izuku preferred to call him, Kacchan – and he were able to become heroes together! Kacchan just got his Quirk a few weeks ago and it was powerful as well.

Bakugou Katsuki
Quirk: Explosion
His Quirk allows him to secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from the palms of his hands and ignite it on command, allowing him to create strong explosions.

The doctor cleared his throat and ran a hand through his blonde hair. "Yes, Midoriya-san. Your son will have the wings of a barn owl. His hearing will be much better than the usual, and he will have the ability to create illusions, but we are not sure about the whole scope of his quirk. And, Izuku, the name of your Quirk is Fukuro." He smiled when he saw Izuku's excitement.

Inko stood up and bowed lightly. "Thank you, Doctor, and have a nice day." The doctor, too, stood up and spoke his goodbye. With this the two Midoriyas left the hospital room and drove back to their house.

When they reached their house, Izuku ran into the living room, excited. Inko followed him with a smile. "Mommy, can Kacchan come over?" Izuku jumped up and down in the living room and looked at his mother with pleading eyes.

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