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I'm pretty sure that Eret doesn't have specific pronouns, so that's why you'll be seeing their pronouns changing.


/M/n's POV/

"So..." Karl trailed off, playing with his shirt, "What are we gonna do?"

It had been about 10 minutes since Tommy's party had started, and almost all the guests had shown up so far. We had invited almost literally everyone on the server.

The people present so far were Dream, George, Sapnap, Callahan, Sam, Bad, Tommy, Fundy, Wilbur, Skeppy, Eret, Niki, Quackity, Karl, Phil, Puffy, and Foolish. I had also managed to contact Technoblade, who was also coming.

Tubbo and Ranboo had told me that they were going to come, but that they would be a little late. People were streaming, but everyone had decided that it was just going to be regular streams, not a lore stream or anything.

I turned to Karl, "Well", I said, "Are there any games you guys wanna play?"

"How about truth or dare?" Niki suggested softly, playing with her hair. Chat started to fill up in agreement. "Chat's saying yes, so I guess we're playing truth or dare!" I chirped.

Everyone was sitting in a giant circle, except for Callahan, who was swimming around in the water. Tommy smacked his hand into the ground, "Youngest goes first!" He announced, and I snorted.

"Alright Tommy," I said, "Truth or dare?"


I thought for a second, looking around. "I dare you to... stack five cookies on your forehead. If you can do it, I'll let you eat them." Almost instantly, Tommy shot up to go look for some. He returned a little while later with five cookies. One after another, he carefully balanced them atop one another on his forehead.

Unfortunately for him, the fourth cookie wobbled and fell. I snatched it out of the air and held it up. Never, in my life, had I seen Tommy look so disappointed. That is until I handed him the cookie. "I was going to let you eat it anyway," I said, and Tommy practically devoured it.

"Guys!" I heard from behind me, and I turned around. Ranboo and Tubbo walked up a hill, but they were walking a little slower than usual. Almost carefully.

And when they got closer, I could see why.

Walking between them was a small child.

When they got closer, he froze and hid behind Ranboo's legs. I got up from my spot and walked towards them. But I stopped when I noticed the child shrink back more. So I just stood there, for a good two minutes.

Eventually, he peeked out and tentatively walked towards me.

Multiskilled (Smp x male reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن