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3rd Person POV

"Puffy..." M/n trailed off, looking at her as she stood in the doorway. Puffy didn't say anything, she didn't even look, angry or scared. Just confused.

Entering the room slowly, Puffy looked at the purple and white plants that surrounded her. Looking at the glass floor below her, her vision passed through the glass panes and into the void below. Looking above, the glass showed black darkness similar to that of below.

"U/n," she muttered, looking up, "How many blocks down are we right now, and how far does this hole go? What is this place?"

Thinking in his head for a moment, M/n responded. "We're about... I wanna say about fifty-seven blocks down. And that hole goes down about thirty-nine blocks down." Puffy looked around in fascination, touching one of the plants. She seemingly didn't notice that M/n had avoided the question about where they were.

"W-we saw you walking around with Michael," she said, "And we wanted to say hi."

M/n paused, "We?" Suddenly, he was more nervous than before.

"Dad!" Came a voice from behind Puffy, causing her to turn around.

A man stepped into view. He had shocking green eyes and a goldish-tan complexion as if he was almost always under the sun. On top of his head was a small shark fin that peeked out from under his chocolatey hair.

He was wearing a white, baggy, sleeveless shirt and brown pants, but no shoes. In one hand he held a trident, and on the other, a totem of undying.

"Oh, Foolish," Puffy chided, "You didn't need to come down here, shrinking takes so much of your energy." Foolish shrugged, "I wanted to see Michael," he said, "and I can't exactly fit down here when I'm twenty-three feet tall."

"Fair enough. Now, U/n," Puffy said, turning back to him, "What is this place?"

Biting his lip and sighing, M/n gestured to the plants around them. "These are from my place of birth." He said, glancing at the eggshells to his right. Puffy rested her hand on one of the plant stalks, then pulled it away. "It's so cold," she whispered. Foolish walked to her side and studied the plant.

They're distracted.

M/n stood off to the side, sinking into the shadows, Michael still in his arms. One of the plus sides to how he looked and what he wore, was how easily he could disappear into the shadows. Closing his eyes, he concentrated.

Look for them, reach, and pull.

They're my people, they should be able to find me...

"Holy crap!" Foolish screeched, and M/ns' eyes flew open. Three Endermen had appeared in between M/n and the other two. Michael stayed firmly planted in M/n's arms, squeaking quietly. The Enderman weren't exactly aggressive, but they did seem ticked about something. They were chirping at each other loudly and quickly.

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