♥️Chapter XLI♥️

Start from the beginning

Leilani: Come on Raina. You need to get this topaz tiara.

Raina Riele: I think I know that Leilani. Thank you very much. In the nicest way possible.

Giovanni wasn't the only person that was interested in the necklace as everybody else in the room was.

Kasey was right, the competition for this tiara was high because it was the most valuable item in the auction.

Someone had bid €8.

Then €18.

Then €50.

These prices were all in thousands.

"Hey hey hey. You can't go above 5K!"

"Be lenient on us man, it's the last item." Some kid the same age as Raina Riele it seemed had said.

For some reason, no one had said anything after €50K euros was yelled out, with Maverick realising this and moving on.

"Anyone wanna go above €50K?"

It wasn't even from Raina.

It was from that stupid Giovanni man that had seemed to be her biggest competition yet.

People had remained silent again, with Maverick yelling going once, then twice...

Kasey: Raina, why aren't you saying anything?

Raina Riele: I'm tryna think of a price that's not too high or too low either.

Maverick was just about to yell sold, until Raina Riele had shouted out €225K at the last minute, loudly enough to wake up the dead.

Everyone had looked at her as if she had just committed some sort of crime or something.

Kasey: Yes, Raina!

Raina Riele smiled.

She had really redeemed herself since the necklace incident which was what she had been trying to do the whole time.

"Whoa that's a big jump."

There was no point of Maverick going over the rules with these people because they really didn't seem to be listening to him.

Plus it was the last item of the auction anyway so he didn't really seem to mind if people had slightly broken the rules.

"Anyone for €225K?"

Silence for three or so seconds.

And then Giovanni had jumped to 300.

Raina bid 350.

Giovanni bid 375.

Someone bid 397, and when they did then they had received a lot of blank stares because that was a very odd number.

"What? I only have 800K. I need 3K for my plane back home tomorrow and food, and the rest for something else."

It had remained on 397 for a while, then Raina bid 430.

Giovanni 470.

Raina 480.

Giovanni 500.

They had been giving each other dirty looks the whole time.

"That's my final offer. And if you go higher than this price then that's stupid because you'll be paying more than what the original tiara was worth."

Sadly he was right, with Raina now constantly beating herself up for not saying 500 earlier.

She didn't do that in case she could have gotten things at the lower price.

"500 going once."

Leilani: Raina, somehow do something.

Kasey: She can't. She'll be paying extra.

Raina sighed as Maverick had announced that it was going twice.

She couldn't have done anything so he had said going three times.

Then she thought of something.


Everyone had stopped to look at her again, paying 1K extra seemed like the right thing to do.

Some people were even suspicious as to how she had so much money because she had seemed young.

Very young.

But she wasn't. She was just eighteen.

"You want to pay 1K extra euros than what the original tiara was worth?" Maverick had double checked, raising an eyebrow at her.

Leilani: Raina Riele. No. Don't pay extra. What are you doing?

Raina Riele: It's just 1K.

Kasey: 1K's a lot. And I know we need the real tiara to succeed this mission but what you're doing is kinda senseless. No offence.

She could have said a lower amount than 1K but that didn't seem very smart either to be honest.

She shook her head and it was sold to Giovanni.

That was the end of the auction.

So close...

Yet so so far at the same time as well.

Unsuspected Love (BWWM) || Jace x Riele (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now