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 There are three types of Gifted, ranked on a simple number scale. Level One Gifted are those that have a supernatural ability but are not skilled enough or powerful enough at said ability. Usually, Level One Gifted can exist out in the normal world with no problem. Level One Gifted are never recruited onto squad teams in the Mission and usually take on desk jobs if employed in the Mission. Most choose to live a normal life on the other side and rarely use their gift. Level Twos are always employed in the Mission, though rarely recruited in squads. Depending on the gift, Level Twos are mostly engineers, scholars, government officials, or trainers. Some can exist on the other side by hiding their abilities if they so choose but almost all take on jobs in the Mission. Level Three Gifted are always squad members. Level Three is the highest rank of a gift ability. A Gifted is born with the level type and it's not something that can be learned.

I was born a Level Three alchemist. My abilities were powerful even from a young age. The Mission ensures that children are tested regularly to check the type of level for their gift and so at age two, I was declared a Level Three alchemist. From that day on, my path towards being a squad member and an elite part of our society was carved into stone.

My mom is also a Level Three Gifted. Her gift is the ability to manipulate water in all forms. A Level One gift of the same ability would be only able to control water in liquid form, from a controlled environment. Similarly, a Level Two would perhaps be able to manipulate solid and liquid forms of water but only from controlled or limited environments. My mother can command water to do her will from the tap, from the neighbor's bathtub, or from a person itself.

Usually a Level Three Gifted is encouraged to marry and have a child with another Level Three Gifted to increase the chances of producing a child with the same level ability. Of course, to be Gifted seems to be by pure chance. Since the beginning of time, our scientists and doctors have studied the genealogy of Gifted and it is still a mystery. Although two Level Three parents are more likely to produce a Level Three child, it is never guaranteed. My dad is a Level One levitation Gifted. He can only make himself float a few feet up in the air for short periods of time. I recalled the times he used to carry me in his arms as a little girl and we'd float around the apartment for my entertainment. He chose to stay on our side and work at Mission which is where he met my mother.

My dad was born to two Level Two parents. My mother was born to non-Gifted parents. We are called Gifted for that reason; it is by chance and not by any pattern that we are born with these enhanced abilities. They are but gifts from the universe.

Still, with gifts come responsibility. And thus, as a Level Three Gifted, my responsibility is to serve the Mission.

"We will succeed," I said, watching as we turned into a CU, open 24 hours. "Let's just focus on each step at a time, just like all our other missions."

Jun grumbled something in Korean under his breath as we entered the tiny convenience store. He headed for the refrigerated drinks and I stepped into the cookie aisle, pulling tubes of crackers and cookies to snack on.

Jun set the drinks on the counter and I shyly added my cookies, giving him a toothy grin. "I'll get you back once I get my wallet back."

Jun rolled his eyes at me and took the paper bag the cashier handed. He opened the door for me and I stepped out into falling snow.

"Perfect," I muttered sarcastically, climbing into the warm car.

Jun slid into his seat and opened his coffee bottle. "I should have gotten a warm one." He handed me a bottle of black coffee as he drank his latte.

"I'm surprised you're letting me drink in your precious car," I pointed out. "Did you sell your old one? How come you didn't even offer to sell it to me?"

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