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Before I start:

I suggest that you listen to this song whilst reading and you might want to also get some tissues ready because I was crying whilst writing this

I am having a break on my other book and focusing more on this book and so I hope that you will enjoy this chapter and if I'm being honest I did make a plan for this story but that went down quickly so I'm just going to freestyle it

Previously: Veronica just found out that she was pregnant with a baby girl and was devestated that she couldn't witness her first everything. She asked about Archie and then everything went black

(This chapter is going to be in third person)

The doctors were doing everything that they could to make sure that Veronica wouldn't panic but she did and passed out. Luckily her doctors were in her room at the time giving her the medication that she needs. After 10 minutes she was finally out of her trance and was ok.

However when she asked about Archie the doctors gave her some tissues because of the devastating news that he had sadly passed away from blood loss. His last words was "tell Veronica that I will be looking above her and that she was my only true love"

She felt numb. She felt useless. She felt unloving. Veronica thought that the only way to make this better was to be with him up in the sky so that they could look down on their daughter together. And so she did what she did.

She sadly passed away 12.02.21. Everyone knew that she was now in a better place because she was with Archie however neither Veronica or Archie got to meet their child as they were gone to soon. Archie was 23 and Veronica was 19. 

Authors note

So I know that you are going to hate me for this but it was on my plan for this one shot series and this one shot part is finished but not the book so don't worry just yet. I didn't want to put the details of Veronica's death in because it could be a possible trigger for many people even me and so I didn't want to hurt anyone. This is by far my saddest one that I have done on this series.

Today England as a whole was shocked about what had happened today/ yesterday (as it is 01:55am in England by the time this is out) that our beloved prince Phillip had passed away yesterday at 1:00pm. Prince Phillip was a selfless person and even though I didn't know him he will never be forgotten. He was an amazing roll model to people.
Rest In Peace #gone but never forgotten

Please in the comments put 🇬🇧 (Union Jack) for the prince (this would make my day)

Love A ❤️

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