ready to go

111 8 2

And the years unfamiliar
Are made of increasingly digital days
And I am grieving the loss of myself
With frightening malaise
When there's weightless in youth
And the sum of it's small
Just stand in the darkness
And laugh with your heel on its throat


Schlatt tried not to be angry as he, eyes bleary from sleep, reached across the bed to grasp his lover and found him absent.

He hoped that he could have at least one day where they could simply...sleep in.

Enjoy each other.

Because who knows how long they had left.

He resisted the sharp surge of anxiety that stirred inside him at the thought of whatever lied for them beyond the point they were at now.

When Technoblade had threatened him earlier, he mentioned how he can send Schlatt somewhere where he lacked consciousness.

Although that thought by itself wasn't particularly comforting, the other side of the coin revealed that wherever they were going- wherever Technoblade was planning on sending them to- that place at least allowed Schlatt to retain some semblance of awareness.

He just hoped that Wilbur would be there with him.

He was reaching the end of his rope concerning patience of having to wake up and work for redemption.

All his life he worked and effectively burned every bridge he ever had and the effort of having to reverse all that damage while so damn close to everything he ever wanted was playing with him.

Every day that he finally settled in with Wilbur by his side was bliss, and every time he woke up without him was like being shoved into ice-cold water, shaking him back to the reality that they still had so far to go.

Schlatt was tired.

The years of a terrible life weighed heavily on his soul.

No wonder he had fallen so head over heels for Wilbur when he finally had the opportunity to confess everything he had ever felt.

In that church, forgetful of the lives they had experienced, Schlatt finally had a chance to do the thing he could never accomplish.

But, of course, reality had other plans.

Schlatt just wanted to be able to enjoy the afterlife with the one person that mattered.

The fear that one wrong step could end it all...Schlatt felt his hands shake as he gradually put on his clothes for another day of work.

Hopefully, this wouldn't have to continue for much longer.

If it did, Schlatt wouldn't know what to do.

More than anything, Schlatt just wanted to rest.

But he also knew that as long as he was in this plane, he would never achieve it...not truly.

So he put on his shoes, pushed his hair out of his eyes, and shuffled out the door to confront the one person he had left to talk to.

the deepest sighs, the frankest shadowsWhere stories live. Discover now