healing old wounds

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In a crowd unfamiliar
I just wanna touch a familiar face
And make friends at the parties I've feared
The likes of an age
To be wanted with truth
And make formidable love
See light in myself
That I see inside everyone else I know


Schlatt gave one last tiny nod to Alex before slipping out the door.

Alex didn't respond back, turning away so that he wouldn't have to see Schlatt leave.

A pang shot through Schlatt's heart, but he understood.

He definitely didn't want to overstay his welcome.

He knew that the both of them had short fuses and too much bad blood, so they both knew it was best for him not to hang around long.

Especially now that Alex knew he had Wilbur to go back to when the sun set.

Despite Schlatt not having any romantic feelings for Quackity, he couldn't help but feel guilty at seeing his face light up in quiet realization.

They had always played games with each other, teasing and jeering insults. For Quackity, he probably guessed that it would forever be that way.

That final confrontation at the White House, where Schlatt had been so drunk and so angry he could hardly see straight, grabbing a pickaxe and tearing the fucker down while Alex screamed his name.... both of them knew then that Schlatt's actions could never be undone.

Schlatt remembered tossing the pickaxe to the ground, looking up through bleary vision to see tears slipping down Alex's cheeks, and then watching him slowly shake his head as if to say, "I should have realized it would end like this," and walking off into the sunset.

Schlatt didn't see him again until he marched in with the rest of Wilbur's army in that stupid van, decked in armor that didn't fit him properly, his beanie squished under the helmet.

And Schlatt couldn't meet his eyes.

Schlatt knew that the bad blood between them will stain forever.

Best not to hang around and dig up any other trauma between them.
Schlatt knew that one conversation wasn't enough to fix everything that was broken, and he also knew that just saying he was sorry wouldn't make Quackity genuinely want redemption for him.

Despite the small smiles and brief happy memories they shared, Schlatt knew that Alex still hated him.

He felt it just like he felt Wilbur from across the SMP, a small tug that meant that Wilbur had made himself visible since the moment he walked into Alex's house.

Hate like theirs is something that would need a miracle to reverse.

What is one thing, or person, that could show Alex that Schlatt deserved to follow Wilbur into the afterlife?

One person that Schlatt had wronged in such an unforgivable way that, if Schlatt could convince them, then everyone else might follow suit?

Schlatt froze in his tracks, his breath freezing in his throat as his eyes fell on a familiar sight.

The bench.

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