This time she notices it has two women in it, no men appearing, causing her arousal to increase tenfold. The blonde snatches the other toy she has to her right and opens a square black bag pulling out a red bullet immediately putting it together. Reaching for the vibrator she runs it through her folds coating it in her natural lubrication. Once she was satisfied with her preparation the blonde placed it at her entrance all the while her jade eyes glued to the screen. Slowly pressing the silicone appendage into her tight, dripping channel until it reached the hilt she released a guttural moan releasing the deep breath she was holding, her eyes closing partway, "Fuuuuuck....". Hearing the erotic sounds coming from the laptop her eyes shot open. I can't..... I just can't! I'm gonna go take a cold shower, hopefully that will help. Clamping the laptop closed and setting aside she slowly pulled the vibrator out of her velvety opening and sat up flinging her legs onto the floor and made her way to the bathroom with her used toy in her hand.

After drying herself off Emma tucked the towel in at her breasts, fetching the newly washed vibrator she put it back in it's usual place and climbed back in bed. Lying in the dark the town sheriff replayed what she saw of the video over and over in her befuddled mind, Should I confront Regina or just wait for her to talk to me? Why am I so turned on, she's Henry's other mother for God's sake! She tossed and turned all night until she fell asleep from pure exhaustion.


Regina was standing in front of the stove in her restaurant worthy kitchen glass of deep red wine in a wine flute grasped firmly in her well manicured hand. How DARE that insane man for trying to blackmail me!

"Mom?" A little voice chirped from the stairs breaking her vengeful thoughts.

"MOM ARE YOU IN THE KITCHEN?" The voice bellowed coming ever closer.

One of the brunette's pet peeves was unnecessary shouting, stemming from the days when her mother would shout at her claiming she was just trying to get a point through to Regina, hence why it was her pet peeve. Waiting for the boy to make his appearance she propped her free hand on a shapely hip. When the preteen finally arrived she scolded, "Henry Daniel Mills! How many times have I told you not to shout? Last warning !" She shot a heated gaze directed in Henry's line of sight.

"Woah mom, you don't have to middle name me. I'll try not to do it again." He flashed those familiar jade puppy dog eyes at her in apology.

Letting out a deep sigh Regina immediately forgave him, as usual. "You better not. Now, what were you bellowing at me for?"

A little forehead crinkled as the boy quickly tried to remember, "Oh yeah, are we still gonna go to breakfast with Emma tomorrow? I just want to know exactly how early I need to get up."

Crap! I forgot about the family breakfast, Emma's superpower will definitely be pinging if she even looks at me! "I don't know Henry, I might just drop you off so I can get to work early. I'm so behind."

As disappointment thundered across the well known pale skin he questioned, "Where do you go every other weekend? Maybe that's why you're so behind."

The mayor's mind was racing in an attempt to retrieve an acceptable lie. Just as she was opening her plump dark red lips she smelled the beginnings of the dinner burning, "Cra....crud!" Spinning around to the chicken cordon bleu in the oven she slammed her wine down causing some to slosh over the rim and wrenched the door open.

"🎶You almost said a bad word🎶" The boy cautiously teased.

"Henry! Not now, please!" Regina snapped, getting flustered for the second time that day.

The Double Life Of Regina MillsWhere stories live. Discover now