10.) Are You Sure?

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Another week had passed, and it was Saturday night once again. Lila was going on another date with Alex, and the family was going to Nate's baseball game. This time, Natasha and Wanda were tagging along. Thankfully this game was a home game, so they wouldn't have to drive too far for the game. They all piled into the car, and Clint drove to the field across town.

Once they were there, Clint showed Natasha and Wanda over to the bleachers where they would be sitting.

"Are you hungry?" Natasha asked as they sat down.

"Yes, is there food?" Wanda asked eagerly.

Natasha smiled as she nodded. "Yes. Do you want nachos or a hotdog? They have pretzels or popcorn, too."

"Hmm... that's hard, I don't know!" Wanda laughed.

"What haven't you had before?" the Russian asked.


"Okay," Natasha smiled before getting up. "What do you want to drink?"

"Um... lemonade if they have it, if not, water is fine."

"Okay, I'll be right back," Natasha said before walking over to the food stands. She got two plates of nachos, a pretzel, and two lemonades. She made her way back to her seat just as the game started. She handed Wanda her food as she sat down and smiled at her.

Over the week, they hadn't talked much about what had happened last Saturday, but it was like somehow, they both understood it meant something. They had spent more time together if that was even possible.

Throughout the game, Natasha would glance over at Wanda, smiling to herself when she saw how happy she looked. When it came time for Nate to bat, he swung a home run, and Wanda stood up, cheering loudly. Natasha's smile only grew as she cheered along with the redhead.

Nate ran around the bases until he finally hit home base again. He glanced over at his family with a proud look on his face.

"That's my boy!" Laura cheered.

"Yes!" Wanda beamed.

Natasha cheered loudly.

Another hour and Nate was up again. It was the last pitch of the night and the game was tied.

"He's going to get it. I just know it." Wanda said to Natasha.

"He'll get another homerun. I can feel it." Natasha said.

Nate looked back at his family before the ball came. And just as the two said, he hit another home run.

Wanda jumped up, cheering loudly. Natasha followed suit, yelling, "GO, NATE!"

The boy ran all of the bases as fast as he could, and when he came back to home base, his team came running over to him.

Clint cheered the loudest out of the whole family. He ran down to the field and held him on his shoulders. Laura followed after, kissing Nate's cheek.

Wanda smiled brightly as she looked at Natasha. "That was so amazing!"

"It was, huh?" Natasha asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Wanda said before grabbing her trash to toss before stepping off the seats.

Natasha followed with a big smile on her face. She tossed her trash and walked over to Clint and Laura with Wanda by her side.

"That was incredible, bud," Clint said.

"Since the team won, we're gonna go to the pizza place down the street. I'm buying." Nate's coach said.

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