8.) The Funeral

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Clint stood at the front of the plot with his hand on the shovel. Wanda lowered the metal casket into the ground with her powers. Small tears slipped down her cheeks as the coffin rested in the hole in the ground.

Natasha stood next to her, an arm wrapped tightly around her waist. Laura and the kids stood off to the side, heads bowed quietly.

"Should we say a few words?" Clint asked hesitantly.

Natasha nodded. "Vision was a great part of the team, but most of all an even greater friend to everyone. I know I gave him a hard times because of how he came to be, but he was wonderful." She started with, looking at Clint to go next.

Clint took a deep breath. "Vision was one of the best fighters I knew, and I don't think it was because of how he was wired. I think it was because he understood people, even when he was trying to learn how to feel. I didn't know him the best, other than when we were on missions or in training, but he was a great man."

Wanda quickly wiped away her tears, a weak smile on her lips. "H-he was the best man I-I ever knew." That was all she said before she threw the flowers that Laura had cut from the garden onto the top of the casket.

Natasha followed suit and tossed a single white rose into the hole, and everyone else followed.

Clint picked up the shovel and tossed the first bit of dirt on top of the coffin.

Wanda sniffled as she rested her head onto Natasha's shoulder, squeezing her eyes shut. "Can we go back to the house?" she whispered.

"Of course," Natasha said before guiding Wanda that way.

"Dinner should be ready soon," Laura said as she and the kids followed.

Wanda just nodded.

It wasn't long before the family was sitting at the table, eating dinner. Everyone was silent. Natasha looked over to see Wanda just pushing the spaghetti on her plate around. She wasn't going to try and push her to eat, because she knew how hard it could be right now.

"Can we watch a movie after dinner?" Nate asked softly.

"Sure," Laura said.

"What do you want to watch?" Clint asked.

"Whatever Auntie Wanda wants," Nate said with a small smile.

Wanda smiled weakly. "Thanks."

Natasha smiled softly. "What do you want to watch?"

"I don't really know. I'm more of a TV show person. I haven't watched a whole lot of movies or picked one out because I liked it." Wanda explained.

"Well, what kind of shows do you like?" Laura asked.

"I Love Lucy, The Dick Van Dyke Show, Bewitched, The Addams Family, Malcolm in the Middle," Wanda said with a small smile.

"We have a few movies that I think you would like," Laura said with a smile.

Wanda smiled sheepishly as she nodded. "Thank you."

After dinner, everyone piled into the living room. Laura grabbed a few DVDs and took them over to Wanda. "We have all of The Addams Family movies, Forever Darling, which has Lucy from I Love Lucy, and the last one I think you'd like is Clue."

Wanda's eyes wandered over the movies. "The first Addams Family, if that's okay?"

"Sure," Laura said before walking over to the TV and putting the disc in.

Wanda smiled softly as she rested her head on Natasha's shoulder. She grabbed the blanket from the end of the sofa and placed it over top of them as she got comfortable.

Natasha smiled as she wrapped her arms around Wanda and held her close. She looked over at the other sofa and saw Lila smiling at her. She narrowed her eyes at the girl, and she looked away.

Halfway through the movie, Nate fell asleep against his mother, and she took him upstairs to bed. Clint went into the kitchen and popped popcorn for everyone. He brought back three bowls, handing one to the kids, his wife, and the last to Natasha. "Drinks, or candy anyone?" he asked.

"What candy do you have?" Wanda asked.

"Junior Mints, licorice, M&Ms, and Skittles."

"Oh, Junior Mints," Wanda beamed.

"Okay, anything to drink?"

"Wine, please," Wanda said.

"A pop, please," Lila said.

"Me, too," Cooper said.

"I'll take some wine, too," Laura said.

"Me, too. Let me come help." Natasha said before slowly pulling away from Wanda so she could get up.

"Okay, thanks," Clint said as he walked to the kitchen.

Natasha followed. She grabbed a wine bottle out of the fridge, and then some glasses from the cupboard.

"She's doing better than I expected," Clint murmured in a low tone.

"I know... I'm hoping she stays like this." Natasha whispered back as she poured the drinks.

"Yeah," he sighed as he grabbed the candy from the pantry. "Do you want any candy?"

"Do you have any Red Vines that aren't licorice?"


Natasha smiled. "My favorite."

"I know," he chuckled before taking the candy and soda back into the living room.

The Russian followed with the four glasses of wine. She set two on the table next to Laura and the other two on top of the table in front of Wanda. She sat back down next to the younger redhead and pulled the blanket back over her lap.

"Thanks," Wanda said as she took the candy from Clint.

"You're welcome."

"Mind if I put the Junior Mints in the popcorn?" the Witch asked.

"No, go ahead," Natasha said as she opened the package of Red Vines.

Wanda smiled as she poured the candy into the bowl and mixed it up. She leaned forward and grabbed her glass of wine. She took a sip before she started eating the popcorn.

After the movie, everyone went their separate ways. Wanda walked into the bedroom and set her half-emptied wine glass on the dresser before grabbing some clothes for the night.

Natasha walked in behind her and closed the door. She walked over to the bed and started pulling back the blanket and getting the pillows fluffed.

They went about their nightly routine they had fallen into and sat in bed next to each other. Wanda was silently sipping on her wine as she stared at the TV, trying to find something to watch.

"Pick whatever you want," Natasha said as she finished her wine. She slipped down the bed so that her head was on the pillow.

Wanda turned on I Love Lucy before finishing her wine. She laid down and moved closer to Natasha. "Can you hold me tonight?" she asked quietly.

"Of course," Natasha said as she wrapped her arms around Wanda's waist, holding her close.

"Thank you..."

"You don't have to thank me, Little Witch."

"Not everyone would do this, though," Wanda said as she rested her head on the older woman's chest.

"I'm not everyone," Natasha said quietly.

"That's true... you're so much better than everyone else. You're the best friend I could've ever asked for."

Natasha smiled bittersweetly. "You are, too."

"I love you."

"I love you, too, Little Witch." The spy said softly. It wasn't in the same way Wanda meant, but Natasha figured it was the only way she could ever say that to Wanda.

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