3.) Group

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Wanda walked out of her room in a pair of sweatpants, one of Vision's button-up shirts, and a sweater over top of it. Her hair was up in a messy bun, it was all she could bring herself to do with her hair, the bare minimum.

She walked from her room downstairs to the kitchen, where Natasha was waiting for her. She grabbed herself a bottle of water before turning towards the spy. "Do we have to go today?"

Natasha raised a brow. "We made a deal, Wanda. If you absolutely hate this, then you don't have to go again, okay?"

Wanda just nodded softly.

Natasha walked over to the other redhead. "I'll be right there the whole time, okay? You won't be alone in this, I promise."

"Will you talk, too? About Stark or anyone else?" the Witch asked as she looked up at Natasha.

"Um, I wasn't planning on it, but if it makes you feel better, I can." Natasha offered.

Wanda nodded softly. "If you don't mind."

"Sure, I can do that."

Wanda's lips held a weak smile as she nodded. "When do we have to leave?"

Natasha checked the time on her watch. "In a few minutes. Do you want to leave now? We can get something to eat before."

Wanda shook her head. "I'm not really hungry."

"Okay, come on," Natasha said before leading them towards the elevator.

When they got downstairs, Natasha opened the passenger door of her car for Wanda. Once the Witch was inside, she shut the door and walked to the other side. She put the address into the GPS in the car and started the drive. It didn't take long before they were parked outside of the building.

Wanda looked up and bit her lip when she saw it was a church. "I hate churches."

"I'm not fond of them either, but this was the best place I could find for a group session. They don't do bible talk, so don't worry about that, okay?" Natasha asked as she unbuckled herself.

"Okay," Wanda sighed before getting out of the car.

Natasha followed suit and got out of the car. She locked it and shoved her keys into her pocket before leading Wanda up to the entrance.

Wanda bit her lip as anxiety started to rise within her chest. Her hand grabbed Nat's pulling her back.

Natasha frowned as she looked at the younger redhead. "What is it?" she asked softly.

"I-I don't think I can d-do this..." Wanda murmured as she felt tears stinging her eyes.

The Russian pulled Wanda to the side. She softly gripped the woman's hand. "Hey, it's going to be okay. If you can't, we can go back home, but I would really like you to try this. Just one meeting, and if you absolutely hate it, you never have to go again, okay?"

Wanda sighed as she nodded. She wiped her tears with her free hand. "F-fine..."

"I'll even talk before you, okay?"

The Witch just nodded.

Natasha smiled sadly before she pulled Wanda into the building. She didn't know where to go next, so she guided the other woman over to the table where some food was. "Do you want a donut?"

Wanda sniffled softly as she shook her head. "No, thanks."

"Okay," Natasha said softly before grabbing a cup of hot tea. "At least drink something." She said as she handed over an insulated cup.

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