Chapter 10

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It was the next morning, Rufus was getting his shop ready and fixes the weapons he had made. Izzy had taken Phoebe to the doctors for a checkup

Rufus then heard the bell ring from his door to let him know someone was there

"Welcome to Rufus Smeltin' n' Grabbin! What brings you here to- King Winkle?" Rufus asked

Rufus looked around then at him

"W-what are you doing here your majesty? You never come in here." Rufus said

"I want you to make me a wand with a special crystal." Winkle said

"A wand? Hmmmm well it would take a few weeks before it's-"

"No!! I can't wait a week!!" Winkle said

Rufus flinched at the sudden raise in Winkles voice

"W-well I would need proper materials and m-metal to make this wand, a-and the crystal. Where am I gonna get that?" Rufus asked

"Don't worry you'll get it." Winkle said

"It'll take a few days before it's ready though your majesty." Rufus said

"Hm... fine! But hurry!!" Winkle said

"Of course! You can always count on Rufus at his own shop for smeltin' n' grab-"

"Yeah! Yeah whatever!" Winkle said

"I didn't even get to finish our catchphrase 🥺" Rufus said

"Hm -.-"

"Ok! Ok! I'll get it done. After all, it's all about smelt-"

"Just get it done!!" Winkle said

"Alright, alright. I'll do that, but later. It's my daughter science fair tonight. She made her own laser!" Rufus smiled

"No! You are gonna get this now!!" Winkle said

Rufus fell on the floor in shock

"B- but-"

"If you don't get it done! I'm gonna shut your store down forever!!" Winkle said

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"If you don't get it done! I'm gonna shut your store down forever!!" Winkle said

Rufus' eyes widened

"B-but how am I gonna pay for my daughters hospital bills?" Rufus asked

"If you want your store open! Then get to work!!" Winkle said

"O-of course! Can I ask what you need it for at least?" Rufus asked

"Business..." Winkle said

"Right... I'll work on it right now." Rufus said

"Good..." Winkle said

Rufus watched him leave. It didn't have to be too big right? He knew Winkle was planning something.  It couldn't be good

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