Chapter 3

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The Trolls walked through the forest. Poppy and Cybil were playing Eye Spy. Cream was teaching Scout new words. Lloyd and Knox were playing with their fingers. Leo was reading a book

Barb looked at the ground. She was behind the rest of the Trolls. Sparky noticed Barb wasn't beside her, and turned around to see her looking down

"Hey Barb? You ok? You're so... quiet." Sparky said

Barb looked up at her and wiped her nose. Sparky slowed down to walk beside her

"Yeah, yeah... I'm alright." Barb said

"You know you can always tell me when something's wrong." Sparky said

"Yeah I know... just- I don't know." Barb said

"Is it about Carol and Branch finding Trolls like them?" Sparky asked

Barbs eyes widened. That's exactly what it was. She looked away and didn't answer

"Hey, don't worry Barb! I'm sure everything is gonna be fine." Sparky said

"I just- I don't want her to go. If she feels like she doesn't belong then..." Barb said

"Sometimes we just... have to let people go." Sparky said

Barb looked at her again and sighed

"It's hard." Barb said

"I know it is." Sparky said

"It's just that- Carol's been around with me since Trolldergarten. I don't want her to leave." Barb said

"You can always talk to her." Sparky said

"... what if she doesn't listen?" Barb asked

"It's her choice if she wants to listen or not." Sparky said

"Yeah you're right. It's just hard to let someone go after you've been left behind so many times by old friends." Barb

"You know... you can always stay with her." Sparky said

"But what about you? I don't want you to be alone." Barb said

"Barb don't worry. I got Cybil, Leo, and the tribes, and plus I want you happy." Sparky said, putting her hand on Barbs shoulder

Barb looked at her hand

"Yeah but... it'll be weird without you around. We've gotten so close with each other. We've gone through a lot together." Barb said

"Yeah you're right, but it's your choice, and I think you should talk to her once we find these... other Trolls." Sparky said

"Yeah, me and Pop-Squeak are gonna talk to her Branch once we find them. I don't trust those other Trolls." Barb said

"What are the other Trolls called again?" Sparky asked

"I don't think they said, but I overheard them talking about some Poprock Trolls, so maybe those." Barb said

"Poprock?.... Poprock... hey I heard of that place!" Sparky said

Barb and everyone looked at her

"Seriously?" Barb asked

"Oh yeah! I have a friend who said he was going there." Sparky said

Barb started to think. Then she remembered

"Ohhh! That guy! You mean that crocodile?" Barb asked

"Barb! He isn't a crocodile." Sparky said

"Mmmm he looks a crocodile. Yeah, crocodile seaweed with red hair." Barb smiled

"Barb be nice. He isn't a crocodile trust me." Sparky said

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