Chapter 7

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Poppy and Barb looked around for Sparky. They really had to tell her what Winkle was planning. They couldn't tell him he did, but she had to know his plan

Poppy helped Barb walk. She literally almost died, and needed to be helped

They looked around and saw Sparky. Poppy waved and pointed to an area

Sparky looked and gave them both a thumbs up. Poppy and Barb went to that area Poppy pointed

There were no Trolls around there, so it was the perfect spot to talk, but Cybil didn't come

Poppy and Barb sat against a tree waiting for Sparky to get there. Barb had her hand around her neck

"Ow..." Barb said, rubbing it with her finger

They saw Sparky finally come over to them

"Hey guys!" Sparky said

"Hey! :D" Poppy said

"So... did you guys find anything in that castle?" Sparky asked

Barb and Poppy looked at each other


"I have a hand! :D" Barb said

"A hand? What'd you do? Kill someone?" Sparky asked

"Hah... I wish." Barb said

"So that's all you guys found was a hand?" Sparky asked

Poppy and Barb really wanted to tell her

"Well not really, but we can't say what we found in there." Poppy said

"Oh... alright also I found a store, and there were weapons and a whole lot of weird stuff in there." Sparky said

"This place is weird!!" Barb said, taking the hand out of her hair, and pointed it at Sparky

"Uh... yeah it is Barb, anyway you guys... talked to Cybil yet?" Sparky asked

"No, he hasn't come back either, but... you should really know something, but I think we should talk about in private, where the other Trolls won't hear us." Poppy said

"Ok then, also I seen my friend too :D" Sparky said

"At least you had good time." Barb said

"Eh I guess." Spaeky said

"Now, let's go, you should really know what's going on, but first, Barb move your hand." Poppy said

"What no I'm not gonna-"

Poppy moved Barbs hand to reveal the bruise around her neck to show Sparky

"I- Barb what happened?!?!?!" Sparky asked

"It happened in that stupid castle!" Barb said

"What'd you do? Looks like someone choked you!" Sparky said

Barb smirked

"Hah... kinky." Barb said

"Oh so someone did!!" Sparky said

"Well no! I mean- uhh well they- guhhhhh nobody was supposed to know." Barb said

Poppy got nervous

"CAROL CHOKED HER!! Hah... nobody was supposed to know Carol choked her!" Poppy lied with a nervous smile

"What?" Barb asked

"Carol choked you!? Why the heck would Carol choke you?" Sparky asked

Poppy looked at Barb

"Oh! Uhhhhhhhhh it was for a game! Yeah, yeah, some game she came up with." Barb said

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