Chapter 1

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Years ago, two little Trollings were sitting in a tree. Both mixed with Hard Rock and Pop. The two were extremely close together till their parents, Scout and Gigi, came out of the tree. Scout was a Rock Troll while Gigi was a Pop Troll

"Kids, there's something we wanna tell you." Scout said

"What is it dad?" The little boy asked

"Glad you asked Branch, you see someday in the future, you'll find yourselves in a place full of Poprock Trolls just like you. You're grandfather is currently the king of them. When you two grow up, you'll go there, and find many Trolls just like you." Scout said


"Wha- Carol! It sounds cool!" Branch said

"Your cool is lame." Carol said

Branch gasped

"Eh- MOM!!" Branch called

Gigi laughed

"Don't worry Branch, we were heading there right now. You'll both find many friends." Gigi said

"That's right, and you'll both love it there." Scout said

"Last one there has to eat a bug!" Carol said

"EW!!" Branch shouted

Scout and Gigi put their stuff in their hair and walked off with Branch and Carol to the place of the Poprock Trolls


The family of four walked for a while, the sun was already rising. Branch and Carol had slept in their parents hair for the night

"Hey, we're here." Scout softly said

Branch and Carol woke up and saw the place and gasped. They then ares at each other remembering the big



They jumped out of their parents hair and ran forward. Carol tripped Branch. Branch grabbed her leg and pulled her down. Carol jumped over Branch

She got there first

"HAH!! I WIN!! YOU SUCK BRANCH!!!" Carol shouted


"Carol for the- AHHHHHHH!!!" Carol screamed

It was a ladybug

"Hi :D" It said

Carol flicked it away

"Kids, welcome to Poprock Town. Where Trolls just like you live." Gigi smiled

"I love it." Branch smiled

"I hate it -.-" Carol said

"You'll learn to love it. Now come on." Scout said

The four headed inside. The gates opened to reveal two Poprock Trolls

"Your name?" One asked

"I'm Scout, this is my wife Gigi, and our two kids Branch and Carol." Scout said

"Interesting -.-" He said

He looked at them for a quick second

"Welcome! :D" He said, letting the four in

The four walked inside. Scout was looking at the map to get a look around

"What a weirdo." Carol said

"Yeah! Weirdo. Hah..." Branch said

"Nope, I take it back. You're the weirdo." Carol said

"Hey! Mom!" Branch said

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