Chapter 3

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Jungkook's parents always supported him in anything he likes and does. But they think, particularly his mother, that he needs to settle down and build a family.

It was hard to make him to like someone, every girl who tried to approach him was, humiliated and running in tears from him. His cold attitude toward women made his parents lose their hope that he will ever have a married life.
Today they decided to make a surprise visit to him, they have the key to his apartment, so it was not a problem for them to enter.

Entering the corridor they hear some voices and noise. His parents stood there shocked.

"Mmhh, ah, Jungkook it hurts, slowly!"

Jk: "Don't worry I will be careful to not hurt you more, just be patient, I'll treat the pain right away, OMG!, Chae, you're bleeding!"

Hearing that his parents gasped.

Jk's mom: OMO, is my boy becoming a man... But, why not in his bedroom why is he doing it on the sofa...

Jk's dad: Honey I think we should leave...

Jk's mom: Nooo, let me take a photo of him

Jk's dad: OMG women, why would you want to do that...

Jk's mom: Oh shut up, your son is finally becoming a man it's very important...

"What!?, I knew that I shouldn't wear these heels, let me see what's there ..."

Jk: "No Chae, don't move, and look down... you'll do worse ..."

Chae:" Oh, it hurts ..."

Jk: "I told you not to move and look down, let me get you some ice..."

His parents were confused about what was happening there. His mother took her phone and takes a picture of them, but he was just taking care of a cute girl with an injured foot.

Jk's mom: What's going on here ... you two are not doing that thing!? She said disappointed.

Jungkook was shocked to see them and hear what his mom was saying. Chaeyoung tried to stand up but Jungkook made her stay still signaling that everything is ok. She was a little bit embarrassed and shy meeting his parents but they seemed nice.

Jk: Oh my God, Mom what are you talking about? You are embarrassing her. Chaeyoung this is my parents, mom, dad, this is Chaeyoung, my neighbor and my friend, for now,  the last part he said lower but his mother heard that.

Chae: It's nice to meet you both, she said and bowed to them in respect.

Jk's mom: Honey, look at her she is so polite and beautiful, besides, what should I think when we have heard such things " Ahh, Jungkook, it hurts"..., she mimicked her

Jk's dad: Honey stop, you're making things worst,  then he signaled to look at a Chaeyoung, she was crimson red, her head lowered down, hands on her checks.

Jungkook panicked, even more, when his mother sat down beside Chaeyoung

Jk's mom:  Oh, you are such a nice girl, tell me, sweetheart, when are you two going to marry, how many grandchildren will you two gave us...

Jk: Mom stop...

Jungkook lost patience, he took Chaeyoung in his arms and left his parents there.

Mr. Jeon looked at his wife in disbelief shaking his head.

Jk's mom: What? I know what I am doing, did you see how he is looking at her? He never let a girl in his place or even near him, and trust me, she likes him too...

Jungkook entered her apartment, whit Chaeyoung still in his arms, she was looking at him, biting her lower lip, he looked so manly while carrying her.

Jk: Where is your bedroom?

Chaeyoung guided him there, he placed her carefully on the bed, after that he handled her some clothes to change and treated her foot. He sat on the bed next to her, caressing her leg.

Jk: Are you okay? She nodded, "Okay then, hey, where's Hank?"

Chae: I left him with Jennie-eonnie, now I'm a little busy and I can't take care of him!

  Jk: Sorry for my parents, my mom, sometimes she is just too much ...

Chae: Noit's fine, your mother seems good and nice!

For a moment they were both lost in their eyes without breaking eye contact. Chaeyoung then approached him and kissed his cheek, then said sweetly

Chae: Thank you for taking care of me and for the dinner, her cheeks were red, her heart beating fast.

Jungkook looked at her with adoration, his insides exploding with emotions of affection and love for her.

Jk: Yeah, no problem, he coughed, I have to go to them, see you later.

Jungkook left quickly before he could do something with her, and he didn't want to scare her.

Jungkook closed the door after him and leaned his back, trying to calm his heartbeat. Then he went to the kitchen where his parents were, he was smiling like a fool, his hand on the cheek where Chaeyoung kissed him,  he thinks he won't wash his face today.

Jk's mom: My boy is a grown man now. I know that you like her, I like her too so you have my blessing. She said proudly then hugged him. His dad approved too.

Jk: Mom, I don't like her, I love her, I am madly in love with her, so I will need your help...

His mother just nodded, poor Chaeyoung, she doesn't even know what is waiting for her.

!!! Another chapter, I hope you liked. Sorry for the errors and boring story.
Thank you for reading!!!

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