Chapter 1

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Jungkook never liked his neighbors, actually, he wants to buy a house and move out from there, but he didn't find yet a good one, which is why he was beyond happy when he heard that they will move out. It was already one week since the neighboring apartment was empty, he liked the silence.

He was contemplating how to find Chaeyoung, that cute chipmunk girl, who he saw at his friend's party. The thoughts of her made him smile like a fool, he remembered her fluffy cheeks, the way she gestured when she was talking and explaining. Jungkook was happily remembering her, but he was immediately taken out of his imaginary world. A disturbing noise had been heard from the corridor, it seems that new neighbors are moving into the apartment next door.

He groaned, put on his headphones, and continued to work on his new game, which will be presented next week.

Days passed, Jungkook returned to his apartment after a hard day, full of meetings with future investors. The presentation of his new game was a success, and now all he needed was peace and some rest.

Jungkook took a bath and now, changed into his comfortable clothes, he headed for the kitchen, the refrigerator was empty, so he made himself a simple tea. He had barely sat down on his sofa when he was disturbed by the doorbell. He decided to ignore it, but this person did not stop ringing the doorbell.

Jungkook got up frustrated and annoyed, and headed for the door, ready to jump with his fists at whatever brave man had invaded his peace.

But as soon as he opened the door, he froze the frown on his face immediately disappeared and became soft. In front of his door was Chaeyoung.

Chae: Oh, hi, I am your new neighbor, I didn't expect that it would be you, nice to meet you again Jungkook-shi! said the girl whit a bright smile.

Jungkook did not know how to react he thought that he was dreaming.

Chae: Eh, Jungkook-shi, are you ok?

Jk: Yeah, I am sorry, I was surprised, I didn't expect to see you here.

Chae: Well, I moved here a few days ago, Jimin-Oppa recommended me this place, and I decided to greet my neighbors so... I brought you some food...

Jungkook was looking and listening to her intently, noting to thank Jimin for this. Chaeyoung was waiting for his answer, observing this Jungkook invited her in.

Jk: Oh, you can come in...

Chae: Sorry if I disturbed you...

Jk: NO, he said it too loud, you are very welcome here, " You can stay here forever," he thought, did you eat already?

Chae: No...

Jk: Great! I mean... We can share, would you eat with me?

Chaeyoung nodded shyly,

Chae: If that is ok whit you, I eat a lot...

Jk " So she eats a lot, that's good she needs force to carry our babies"

Jk: That's ok, me too, come, let me lead you to my kitchen, you can place it on the table, I will be right back, feel yourself like home...

After that, he rushed to his room, closed the door, and started to calm himself.

He checked himself in the mirror then he checked how he is smelling.
" Calm down Jungkook you are handsome she can't resist you. Breathe in and breathe out, common you can do it"

Entering the kitchen he saw her setting the food she brought. " OMG that is 100% wife material"

Watching her he couldn't resist the temptation, so he approached and hugged her from behind resting his head on her shoulder, and inhaling her smell, he was intoxicated with her aroma. Chaeyoung stiffened at his touch, she was startled, but a the same time she wasn't scared of him...

Chae: Jungkook-shi, w-what are you doing? She stuttered.

Jungkook was brought to reality, he was afraid that he scared her.

Jk: Uh, I was looking for salt, and you just were in the way, yeah sorry...

Chae: Oh, is that so...

They sat across each other ready to eat. Jungkook took a bit of her food and was amazed by the taste. "OMG, why is she so good a everything, that's good she could feed our babies whit delicious food" Then he looked at her, she had her cheeks stuffed with food making her even cuter. Soon the kitchen was filled only by the munching sounds.

Jk: By the way, why do you keep calling me Jungkook- shi, you call Jimin- Oppa, didn't we agree that you are my girl friend!? He said it whit a pouting face.

Chae: W- What...

Jk: I mean, didn't we become friends, last time at that party?

Chae: How do you want me to call you?

Jk: Well... just leave the honorifics, we are the same age, Jungkook or Kook will be fine, But hubby, love or honey will be perfect, the last part he mumbled to himself.

Chae: Ok then ... then she looked at the time and stood up, OMG, I need to feed my baby...

Jk: W-What, the baby, do you have a baby? Jungkook was shocked, almost choked on his food, and didn't know how to react, was someone faster than him.

!!!That's the first chapter, I hope it wasn't boring. See you at the next one.
Thank you for reading!!!

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