When he leaves Camila quickly rushes over to Theo who's starting to close his eyes from blood loss.

"No no no, Theo look at me." she says as she puts pressure on top of his wound.

He opens his eyes and looks at her before placing his hand on top of hers. I see Camila trying to take his pain away but for some reason it won't work.

"W-why can't I take your pain?" she asks him.

"I don't want you too." he says looking at Camila.

I look at Liam and he looks at me, realising we both have the same idea. Theo's not allowing Camila to take away his pain.

"You won't be able to heal though." Camila sadly says and he nods.

"I know." Theo says and she look at him sadly.

Camila places her hands on both sides of his face and holds his face in her hands. She looks at him and sees him gritting his teeth in pain.

What happens next shocks Liam and I.

Camila slowly leans forwards and places her lips on his. He doesn't kiss back for a few seconds but I watch as he moves his hand from his stomach and places it on her cheek, starting to kiss her back. I look at Camila as I see small black veins crawling up her cheeks and down her neck. After a few more seconds of secretly taking Theo's pain, they pull apart and Camila rests her forehead against Theo's.

"You took it away." Theo stammers as he rests his hands on hers.

Camila nods her head slightly.

"How?" he asks.

"I knew you weren't allowing me to do it so I had to distract you from concentrating on not healing."Camila mumbles to him.

He gives her a weak smile before speaking up.

"That's smart." he says before brushing a lock of her hair behind her ear and holding his hand against her cheek.

"That's really smart." he repeats as he rubs her cheek with his thumb.

I watch as Camila lightly blushes at him and smiles.

"I don't want you to be hurt." Theo sadly says.

Camila shakes her head before talking.

"Can you stand up?" she asks him and he nods.

Camila stands up off of the ground and helps Theo up with her, he wraps his arm around her waist and she holds it there to support him. She turns around and looks at Liam and I.

"I'll take him to his pack. He needs them right now." she says as her and Theo hobble past us and leave us alone in the Dread Doctors lair.

Once they're both gone I turn to Liam who sighs and looks at me.

"She really cares for him doesn't she?" Liam sighs again.

"That's Camila, she cares too hard and gets hurt too hard."I sadly say.

There's a few moments of silent before I speak up again.

"I think he cares about her too. I know how stupid it sounds but he keeps trying to protect her." I say.

"Do you think he'll choose her over power?" Liam asks.

"I think he might choose her after all." I say as we leave the building.

Camila's Pov
I walk into Theo's lair and I see Tracy. She quickly runs over and grabs Theo's over arm and slings it over her shoulder and we walk over to the wall and sit him down besides it.

"What did you do?" she sneers at me.

"You think I'd want to hurt him." I snap at her.

"It wasn't her. It was The Beast." Theo grunts out in pain.

"Do you need anything?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"Just go home and stay safe. I'll tell you my answer tomorrow." Theo says rubbing my arm and I leave.

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