But the second she arrived, she noticed that things were slightly out of place. Dishes had piled up in the sink which was strange because both of the twins liked to keep their place tidy. There was an open pizza box on the table with a few slices left in it and Cosette didn't want to know how long it had been sitting out.

Not only that, but there were dozens of beer bottles scattered around the place. Some by the couch, some on the table but all of them were empty. Cosette knew that neither Fred or George were heavy drinkers so this was just one more thing that wasn't adding up.

Walking further into the flat, she found a trail of clothes in the hallway and a pile in the bathroom. Cosette regretted looking in the bathroom. She had been gone for a week and a half. How did this place get turned completely upside down?

"Freddie?" Cosette knocked on his bedroom door but when she got no response, she pushed it open. The floor was littered with god knows what, but Cosette couldn't see the floor at all. She flipped on the lightswitch and that's when she noticed Fred tangled up in the sheets. He groaned loudly when the lights woke him, but he didn't get up.

Cosette picked up a rubber ball that was left on his desk and tossed it at him to get his attention and that's when she heard him sigh and mutter something under his breath.

"Fred wake up," Cosette crossed her arms and leaned against the doorframe, trying not to dwell on the empty case of beer that was next to his bed frame. "You were supposed to meet me at Kings Cross- have you been sleeping all day?"

He finally sat up and rubbed a hand over his face as he blinked a few times to fully bring himself into reality, "What?"

"What?" Cosette scoffed. "That's all I get? Really? I've been gone for ten days and the first thing you say is 'what'? You forget to meet me for dinner and I don't even get a hello or a fucking apology, just...'what'?"

"Hi," he huffed out, sliding out of bed. He only had on a pair of briefs and a t-shirt that had what looked to be grease stains covering the front of it, "How are you? How was your training camp?"

"I'm extremely tired," she responded flatly, taking another look around. "What the fuck happened here when I was gone? Why does it look like a tornado came through your entire flat?"

He shrugged his shoulders, giving Cosette nothing to work with, "I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"Stop repeating everything I'm saying, Cosette," Fred rubbed his eyes again and the dark circles forming underneath them caught Cosette's attention. For someone who had spent the entire day in bed it seemed as though he had barely slept since she left. As he took a step forward, they both heard the crunching under his foot of him stepping on an open bag of chips. "Can we talk later, please?"

This was completely unlike him. She knew that he and George had only been moved out for a few months, but they weren't messy people. Cosette tidied up here and there and she always made sure to clean up after herself but she didn't think that her absence was a good enough reason to let the place be turned upside.

    "No," she stated firmly. "What happened? Why is this place such a mess?"

    Again, Fred shrugged his shoulders and Cosette stared at him in disbelief.

    "Is that what's going to happen from now on?" Cosette asked, trying to get more of a response out of him. She wanted to have a conversation but this was all completely one sided. "Do you just expect me to clean up after you and if I'm not here then you're just going to let it go to shit?"

    "I mean," Fred scratched the back of his neck. "It would be nice if you helped out a bit."

    "This is not my fucking mess. I am not your mother. If you wanted someone to clean up after you, you shouldn't have moved out of the burrow."

Elusive // The Weasley TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now