Is Qadar

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I walked towards my home after a stressful day, witnessing beautiful landscapes that were dotted with yellow sand dunes, camels, goats, camps, and local people in colorful Rajasthani clothes, dhabas serving delectable food, and spectacular wind mills. Who will not love walking through this beautiful scenery? It always gives a pleasure of relief after a day full of hustle bustle.

Soon I was in middle of yellow sand dunes, between the trees of Jal, Neem and Babul on one side and the metal mesh seperating my country with hers.

Yesterday while returning to back to home I saw a beautiful pair of eyes walking parallel to me but on the opposite side of the mesh.
Magical... Peaceful... I don't know how to describe bt there was some calmness in those eyes. I could not see the face due to darkness in the surroundings but the torch in her hand gave some ray of light to her magical eyes.

After few minutes I realised, I was literally staring at her since minutes due to which she got afraid or something like that... And turned off the torch and got disappear in the darkness. I stood there frozen for some more time and then cursed myself for this stupid behaviour... Maybe I made her uncomfortable. Why won't she?? I am a stranger, from a different country, staring at her foolishly at night.. anybody will get frightened, thinking this I reached home and after having the dinner.. I went on the rooftop to sleep, Looking at the stars, I thought about those hypnotic eyes, there was something in those eyes which forced me to think about her.

I don't know why but I have a strong feeling, that she will come today also. It's my inner self saying this. Having different thoughts in my mind, I continued my journey, enjoying the cool breeze flying in the barren desert.

Suddenly I heard a sound of  anklets... Coming towards me, I had a torch with me today.. to witness something beautiful and therefore I turned on the torch and looked around... Those eyes again... " On the other side of the mesh "

I made sure not to frighten her this time through my stupid behaviour and turned my torch towards the deserted path and walked slowly, quietly. There was no sound except for those rythmic sound of her anklets. For the rest of the time I just looked at my feets, walking and did not dare to straighten my head for a moment maybe I was nervous. And then we moved on the opposite directions....

Next day also we met on the way, I was humming something and then she came with torch in her hand. We both just walked slowly... Enjoying the peaceful silence. And at the place of our seperation we finally looked at each other. I saw her face... Finally.. today.. There was total calm and innocent expression on her face. Beautiful eyes, sharp and small nose with nosepin, Baby pink lips and long hair. Seeing her I was all stuck into her. lost in her thoughts, I reached home.

From two days I could not sleep.. thinking of her, was my night rountine. But today I could sleep peacefully, thinking of her.


Day 4..

"Walking silently is enough now, today I will surely talk to her."  I thought to myself.

She arrived..

Should I speak something? No no what if she takes me wrong?? What if she stops coming like this?? What if she informs the army and blames me for disturbing her??

Finally with courage I spoke..

He..Hey.. h..hi.. my.. myself.. Da..Darsh.. Darshan!

Judaiyaan - A Collection Of Short Stories On DARSHAN RAVALWhere stories live. Discover now