Connected hearts

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I entered the cafeteria. The same place, the same energy and hustle. Everything is same except for one thing. I don't have my companion with me anymore.

I ordered our regular coffee. I was looking at the kids in the park. Their smiling faces.. reminds me of her! Her sweet, innocent face was a peace.

I finished the coffee and moved out heading towards the park. I did all this just to relive the moments with her, than it started raining.

Those days... One day we were having regular walk to the park and it started raining. Like always we were not able to control our excitement and ran into the rain. Those drops of rain, reaching her sweet, cute cheeks! We danced for almost 2 hours, enjoying some unforgettable moments of life.

Today I just stood in that rain.. waiting for the rain to mix into my tears. The drops of rain too missed her and pour out their grief.

Two years back.. in winters.. we were walking through the streets of the city. Cold breeze touched our faces. We silently sat on the bench. Feeling each other's presence. Suddenly she got up, and walked towards the tree.. I asked her what happened and she signalled me to wait. I noticed she went to a poor lady near the tree, the lady was shivering. She handed over her jacket and returned. I offered her my hoodie bit she refused it saying, life is not a movie! I know you also feel cold.
" I am proud of you "
And she just smiled back.

I passed through that small road.. where once a puppy was stuck inside a pit. I was late that day... As always..
She managed to take that small innocent life out of 1 feet deep pit. She was brave! Umm.. yes she messed her top but she looked cute in messy outfits. Then she cursed me for rest half an hour... Saying that one day I'll be too late for anything. Her words... I wish I would have listened to her.


Two days after our engagement we decided to join for a movie. She was quite early, waiting for me. Suddenly she saw a child running on the road behind his balloon. Without wasting time she hurriedly went towards the child and pushed him aside as she already saw the obstacle coming.
I stood there still. The truck ran over her. The road was filled with the her blood all over. I could not even stand. And there the music of my life went off.... My Shiri went off... Leaving me alone forever.

Those 5 years with her the most beautiful moments of my life. I learnt to live, and she left me and teaching how to live.

I have a complaint... Why God always take away the Beautiful souls for him ?

But I know she is with me. Always by my side. Supporting me. Smiling with me. Motivating me.

Because she once said.... The journey of a body can come to the end at any moment. But the souls can not be differentiated. And we are connected by souls.

We are still connected to each other.


Heyya my lovely souls!!

I am back because I could not stop myself from writing this

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I am back because I could not stop myself from writing this.

I believe you will like this story because I personally liked this one!

Your precious reviews are always welcomed!



Tum gaye, aise gaye
Ke ab kahan aaoge laut ke ....

Ye chand bhi pheeka, galiyan sooni..
Mannatein meri kya usne suni... ”

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